
460 34 6

warning - torture

A splash of water woke Yoongi up. He groaned, the wetness around his face giving him a gross feeling. Blinking, he opened his eyes but all he saw was darkness. He realised his head was in some sort of sack, blocking his view of the outside. Moving his limbs, he felt ropes around them, constricting them.

"Min Yoongi, member of the Killing Club of BangTan Public School. It's nice to see you, even though you can't see me." A harsh voice came from in front of him.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" Yoongi shouted through the sack.

"Why did you kill one of us?"

"You got to be more specific."

"Park Jinyoung. JungHwa Neighbourhood School. Student Council's President."

"Oh, him. Sorry, but that was someone else's doing."


"I can't tell you that." Yoongi felt a hand grip his head as it was forcefully tilted backwards. He felt water poured over his face, which made it hard to breathe. He opened his mouth to breath but he couldn't. The wet fabric from the sack blocked his nose as it stuck to his skin, and if Yoongi opened his mouth, water would gush in. Coughing and choking violently, Yoongi shook vigorously against the grip on his head, desperately trying to get away from the water that was drowning him.

They're torturing me, Yoongi thought. Fuck.

The hand holding Yoongi down released him, allowing Yoongi to sit up and vomit all the water that went down his throat.

He felt sour in his mouth.

"Who killed Jinyoung?" The voice asked again, but it was more harsh and intense. Yoongi didn't reply. The hand came back, grabbing Yoongi and tilting him back. Holding his breath, he prepared himself, but no water came.

Suddenly, the sack was torn off Yoongi's head. His vision went white, his eyes not used to the light. Unfortunately, it was quickly replaced with a plastic bag. Yoongi struggled as the bag constricted against his face, tightening around it. Yoongi tried to calm himself down but his heart was pumping too fast. Letting out a soundless scream, he closed his eyes, the pounding in his head growing stronger.

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