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"HA no" i laughed sarcastically as i hugged the moomin cushion in my arms.
"please" sicheng whined as he bounced cross legged on my king sized bed.
"i'm not introducing you to my teacher"
sicheng stopped the bouncing and resorting to laying down on my bed with a huff as he pouted and looked at me with puppy eyes.
"why" he asked as he fake cried and held onto my leg.
"because that's weird" i exclaimed with wide eyes.
"i'll give you anything you want"
that caught my attention, so i agreed to his request, telling him to come inside and meet me in the classroom when the next school day ended. 

he thanked me as he jumped about with a stupid smile plastered on his face.
once he calmed down, he laid on his back and grabbed one of my spare cushions, hugging it to his chest.
"so" he began as he rolled onto his stomach, making eye contact with me "how was your time with jeno and jaemin earlier"

i sighed and leant my head back.
"eventful, they wanted to play spin the bottle again"
"oh?" sicheng smirked
i nodded and looked out of my window.
i got up from my place on the bed and moved to the window seat that looked on to the house next door, which just happened to be the home of na jaemin.
"who'd you kiss this time?" he teased "or was it a full blown makeout"
i threw my pillow at him which he dodged and hit out the way.

i sighed again and rubbed my temples before giving my elder brother an answer.
"leans towards more of a makeout in the sense that it lasted a while, but only a little tongue" i blushed as he practically malfunctioned.
"WhiCh one?" he asked with a large grin on his face.
i blushed further and stayed silent.
"well?" he motioned for me to speak.
"both" i said quietly as he malfunctioned again.
"did you like it?"
he poked my sides as i looked down with my red face and nodded sheepishly.

"i'm calling ma" he said excitedly as he reached for his phone.
"nO you're not" i said as i wrestled him for his mobile device, winning and throwing it to the other end of the room.
"i will not be teased by the whole family thanks" i sassed as sicheng pushed me off and grabbed his phone, checking for any scratches or injuries as if it was his own child.
he gave me a glare, quickly changing it to a smirk as he dialled a number and ran out the room.
"nO!" i yelled as i chased him throughout the house.
"too late!" he laughed as he ran into his room and locked the door behind him.

"hey jeno?"
he nodded as he looked up from his phone, turned it off, and set it beside him.
"yeah jaem?"
"i feel kind of bad"
jeno furrowed his brows as he grabbed jaemin's hand and held it tightly.
"what for?"
i sighed and looked out of my window, to see renjun running around his room trying to grab something out of his brothers grasp.
"tricking renjun into playing that game"

jeno smiled and pecked my cheek which made me blush profusely.
"if he wasn't ok with it, he wouldn't have played. no need to feel bad baby"
i smiled and returned to watching the chinese boy who could now only be seen when he ran past his door, since he had now moved to chasing sicheng on the landing.
"i guess"

jeno gave me another peck on the lips before moving from the small stool next to the window seat, to join me on the comfy surface.
i nodded in his direction.
"think he'll accept us?"
i grabbed jeno's other hand in mine as i looked into his eyes and smiled.
"i hope so, and even if he doesn't we still have eachother"
he smiled and cupped my jaw to kiss me again, more sensual this time.
he left kisses all over my face once we had finished, causing me to giggle before he pulled back and looked directly into my brown orbs.

i looked back to renjun's window only to be slightly startled to see that he had stopped chasing his brother and was now staring straight back at us longingly.
he blushed as his smile fell and eyes widened.
i laughed slightly as i sent the elder boy a wave, to which he returned before he began looking at his phone.
"cute" jeno said, also watching him.
i broke my stare when my phone made a noise indicating i had a new notification.

rennie ♥️ has sent a message to 'three musketeers'

three musketeers

rennie ♥️
i'm so sorry i didn't mean to stare

it's fine rennie!! we don't mind aha 😅

jeno 💗
yeah! it's fine by us, really
no hard feelings

are you ok over there by the way?
you were really set on catching sicheng lmao

rennie ♥️
you saw that? djbsnsns

i'm not crazy he was just about to call my mum and tell her something she did nOT need to know.

jeno 💗
what was it?

^^ you can tell us!
we don't judge

unless you don't want to

rennie ♥️
it's fine don't worry skks

it's kind of embarrassing

jeno 💗
we won't judge you renjunnie 😊


rennie ♥️
oof ok



rennie ♥️
i knew you'd think it was weird oof

jeno 💗
it's not weird!
i enjoyed it too

not gonna act like i didn't because i did enjoy it very much

rennie ♥️
oh lol

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