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"chenle, i really don't want to" i argued as the younger dragged me by the wrist, leading us up to the front door of the modern looking house.
"come on jun, it's going to be fun" chenle countered before knocking on the door and anticipating its opening.
"i have a bad feeling"
he scoffed and shook his head.

the door swung open revealing chenle's tall crush, park jisung, in all his glory.
"hi guys, everyone is in the living room so you can just walk through"
we nodded and headed to the white door on the left of the staircase.
i attempted to turn around and walk the other way but chenle grabbed my waist and spun me back around, preventing me from escaping.

"we hang out with them all the time, what's the problem today?"
i shrugged.
"i just want to stay in bed"
chenle rolled his eyes and opened the door loudly, catching the attention of the four boys.
we walked inside and found our places on the couch as we watched jisung run in after us holding a large bottle of coke.
"hey rennie" the pink haired boy to the left of me greeted as i nodded in acknowledgement.
"hey jun" came from the blonde boy to my right.

an hour or so into the night, the seven of us all joined in a minor argument regarding the activity we could partake in, since the film we had been watching finished.
"can't we just eat food, gossip and be fat" asked mark.
"no i do that everyday" i argued to which jaemin pinched my side.
"shut up, you're ninety nine percent bone" he joked, causing jeno to chuckle slightly.
i looked between the two boys on either side of me before i flashed smiled and returned my attention to the main conversation of our group.

"i know!" chenle screeched "spin the bottle"
donghyuck nodded before smirking evilly.
"just because you want to make out with jisu-"
his words were cut short due to the pillow that chenle had launched in his direction.
before donghyuck could launch at the younger boy, i spoke up.
"i'll go grab a bottle"

the kitchen tiles reflected my image due to their polished, clean state which contrasted with the dullness of the countertops and furniture.
i reached into the recycling and pulled out a glass bottle that had previously contained, jisung's older brother, chanyeol's alcohol.
"this will do" i said as i played with the bottle in my hands, tossing it about.

when i got back to the living room, i saw the rest of our small group sat cross legged in a circle, each with a cushion in their lap.
i grabbed the final cushion from the couch and placed it in my lap once i sat between mark and chenle in the small circle.
i placed the bottle in the middle and let donghyuck do the honours of spinning it.

it spun for ten seconds or so before finishing in a position where it pointed to jisung.
jisung's face reddened slightly as he silently prayed that the boy next to him would be the next chosen.
donghyuck spun it once more, and to jisung's luck, it landed on the young chinese boy that he liked so much.
the two blushed profusely before giving eachother a quick peck on the lips and frantically moving apart from the embarrassment that was mine and jaemin's loud awwwes.

i clapped my hands together in happiness as chenle leant forward to spin the bottle again.
this time, it was my turn to blush since the round cap pointed directly at me.
chenle laughed as he spun it once more, confused when it landed between two of the players.

"one way to do this" donghyuck announced.
"gotta kiss them both" he winked, causing my face to redden even more.
i looked up to the two boys who had a cocky smile on each of their faces before scooting closer.

"the bottle has spoken rennie" jaemin said as he abruptly cupped my face and leant in to place a lingering kiss to my lips.
the kiss lasted around five seconds before we pulled apart, me redder than ever, and jaemin switched places with the other lucky boy.
"pucker up jun" said jeno as he repeated jaemin's actions, leaving his lips connected to mine for a small amount longer.

once it was finished, i returned to my place with a burning red face and played out the rest of the game, thankfully not being chosen again apart from one turn where i resorted to placing a small peck to chenle's forehead.

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