e l e v e n

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C H A P T E R  E L E V E N

"oh my god" i squealed as i ran towards the roundabout, dragging jeno and jaemin behind me.
"can we please have a go" i begged them before they nodded and i climbed onto the metal contraption, sitting on the seat in the centre.
"jeno, spin us strong boy!" jaemin called out as he cling onto the bars while standing behind me.
jeno laughed and began to move the object, sending jaemin and i into a fit of giggles, and before long we were spinning at an amazing speed.

"holy shit" i cursed as i struggled to stay on the seat.
"i've got you baby" jaemin squealed as he held onto me.
i blushed, still screaming, as jeno laughed in the sidelines.
i giggled the whole time, enjoying my favourite part of the park, but only began snorting once we came to a stop and i was able to watch a dizzy jaemin attempt to walk.

i got up to help him, forgetting that i'd be dizzy too, and soon joined him on the floor.
"y-your faces" jeno managed to get out as he clutched his stomach from his laughter.
i rolled my eyes and pushed jeno backwards after i had risen from the ground.

"let's go on the swings" jaemin beamed as he dragged us towards the hanging seats.

"this was fun" i said to the other two that laid in the daisy-scattered field with me.
"yeah" jeno nodded.
jaemin rolled onto his stomach and looked us both in the eye.
"we should do this again sometime"
i agreed, smiling at the two.

"i've got to start walking home" i said, getting up.
"we will walk with you" jeno said, since his house was next to mine and jaemin needed to get something from jeno's house anyway.
i nodded and began to exit the beautiful field with the two teenagers.

after a while, we came to a cross road.
"i've got to go somewhere so i'll see you guys later" i said to the two.
"okay, be safe and text us when you get home"  jaemin said as he kissed me on the cheek and left, linking arms with jeno.
i waved them off before touching the space on my cheek, that jaemin had kissed, with a blush.

i made my way down the cobblestone path before i was faced with the sight of a large steel gate.
swinging it open, i entered the depressing plot of headstones and flowers, and i smiled at the other people in the space.

i walked over to the two cross shaped headstones that sat under the cherry blossom tree and sat directly in front of them.
"hey mum, hey dad" i began as i stared at their photos.
"i haven't talked to you in a while"
he frowned, apologetic.
"i want to tell you about these two guys at my school"
his frown was overtaken by a smile at the thought of jeno and jaemin.
"you would love them"

meanwhile, jaemin and jeno were on their way to the elders house.
"he's so cute" jeno gushed as jaemin nodded along with him.
"i was thinking" jaemin began "shouldn't we just confess soon and get it over with, i don't want to sit here waiting with a slow burn romance story"
jeno shrugged and looked to the younger boy.
"i don't know, i don't even know if he likes us like that"

they carried on on their walk as the wind brushed against their pale faces.
"i'd he didn't like us like that, he wouldn't have played those games though, right?"
"maybe he felt pressured" jeno reasoned as jaemin huffed and entered the lee household, kicking off his shoes after wiping them on the door mat and they made their way up to jeno's aesthetic room.

a/n i'm inactive for a few days and bAM i get like two hundred more reads thankyou so much i don't know what to say dksbnsns

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