n i n e

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"are you sure it's okay?" jaemin asked sicheng, who nodded back at the boy as chao snuggled into his neck.
"yeah, you're more than welcome to stay here. i'm not going to let you walk home at this time of night"
jaemin thanked him before waving him goodbye as sicheng went into his and chaos shared room to put the baby to bed.

"follow me" i said as i dragged him into my room.
when we opened the door, we were faced with my neat blue-themed room.
"cute" he observed as he looked in the direction of my many moomin plushies that sat atop my dresser.
i moved over to open one of the drawers, retrieving some pyjamas for jaemin to change into once he felt like it.
he thanked me as he sat down on my bed.

i nodded so he would continue.
"where am i sleeping?"
"the bed" i smiled at him "i'll take the sofa"
he shook his head and got up before pulling me towards the bed.
"that won't do"
i sighed and giggled a bit as he pulled me down to accompany him on the mattress.

"you look cute in glasses" he told me, resulting in me blushing lightly as i pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose out of habit.
he smiled at me brightly.
"jaemin?" i asked him, wary of the question that would leave my mouth.
"you and jeno are together right?"
he nodded and i felt my heart break in two.
i knew that it was unlikely they would be interested me, no matter how much flirting they jokingly initiated.

"what's up?" he asked once my expression fell into a frown.
"nothing" i said as i faked a smile.
he hummed in suspicion before opening his mouth to speak.
"i don't know though, while we do love each other very much..."
another blow went straight to my heart.
"it doesn't feel complete"
i didn't understand what he was saying so i resorted to furrowing my eyebrows.

"i hope it gets better for you two soon"
he sighed and fell backwards on my bed, so that he was laying flag in his back.
"me too" he huffed before looking up to meet my eyes.
i joined him on my back as we both stared at the ceiling.
"you're so dense" he laughed under his breathe, not expecting me to hear him.
"how so?" i asked, very confused.
"don't worry about it"
i nodded, not wanting to overstep my boundary and push him past his limit.

he smiled at me to indicate he wasn't annoyed or mad as he rolled into his stomach and pushed a fallen piece of hair out of my face.
we both jumped as a knock came from the window.
we both got up and started to the window, seeing jeno crouched on the branch of a tree that sat next to my window, almost blocking the view of jeno's yellow room but not quite.
i yelped and opened it, dragging jeno inside.
he smiled up at us from the floor, which he had fallen on.

"what are you doing here?" jaemin asked.
he got up and brushed himself off.
"i saw you guys from the window and i wanted to join in on the fun" he explained as jaemin clapped his hands together in excitement while i stood there dumbfounded by his entrance.
"why a tree? you could've knocked"
he shrugged and nudged my arm.
"where's the fun in that"
i rolled my eyes and laughed as we made our way to all sit on my king sized bed.

"what do you wanna do?" jaemin asked no one in particular.
"play a game?" jeno suggested as jaemin nodded.
"sure, buT not spin the bottle" i said, sick of the game.
"fine" jaemin huffed with a pout.
"what game then?" jeno asked us.
we all sat in thought, trying to come up with a fun activity, before jaemin got an idea.
"let's play truth or dare"
jeno and i agreed to the game as we positioned ourself to sit in a triangle.

"who's going first?" i queried the two boys.
jaemin raised his arm excitedly as he brightly smiled as he always does.
"renjun" he began "truth or dare"
i thought for a while before deciding to go with the safe option.
jaemin tapped his chin as he tried to decide on a question to ask me.
"ah! do you like anyone at the minute"
i blushed and nodded shyly as jeno cooed at me.
"that wasn't part of the truth" i said quickly before they could continue.

"jaemin" i started "truth or dare"
"dare" he said confidently and cockily.
"i dare you to not smile for a whole minute, if you fail you have to do a forfeit decided by jeno" i said evily as his mouth hung open and he crossed his arms over your chest.
"you chose dare" jeno shrugged as he smirked easily.

"ready?" i asked him, the timer app open on my phone and set to one minute.
he nodded and we set off the timer.
he looked away and the corners of his lips turned upwards when he looked back at us, not being able to keep a straight face.
"you went twelve seconds" i laughed.
"twelve seconds too long" he said as he joined in on my laughter.

"okay jeno" he began as he placed the back of his hand on his forehead in some sort of dramatic pose "what's my punishment"
jeno thought for a while before he smirked and chuckled at his own mind.
"my mind is amazing" he praised as he clapped his hands together.
"lay it on me chief" jaemin said as he gripped onto me over dramatically as if he was bracing for some sort of impact.
"you have to kiss both of us for at least ten seconds each" jeno revealed as he sat there, proud.
"wait-" i began but i was cut off when jaemin shrugged and joined his lips to mine.

our lips moved together as my eyes fluttered shut and found their way to cup his face.
once we broke apart, i sat there in shock before jaemin connected his lips to jeno's.

this was exactly why i didn't want to play spin the bottle.

i was afraid i'd be left wanting more.

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