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"kick them out then" chenle said on the other end of the line.
i looked to the two sleeping hours and shook my head.
"i can't do that, i'm not uncomfortable anyway"
"but they keep making you play games where you end up having to kiss them.. and it's really weird"
i rolled my eyes and stared once more at the snoring teenagers that laid on my bed.
"i know but" i groaned "it's not that i don't like it"
chenle ooooo-ed as he asked me to explain myself.
"shutup pip squeak.. they've just made me confused"

chenle sighed as jisung's groggy voice could be heard on the other end of the line.
"look renjun, i've got to go, have fun with your lover boys"
i went to protest before i was cut off by the chinese boy.
"oh and if you call me pip squeak ever again, i'll castrate you"
i laughed, knowing he was the most harmless boy to ever exist, and said goodbye before hanging up the phone.

"uncle renjunnie?" a small voice said as chao pushed the door to my room open.
i shushed him as i pointed to jeno and jaemin who were stirring in their sleep.
he reached out for me, grasping at the air so that i would pick him up.
i smiled at the young child and did as he wanted before i sat on the very end of my bed, making sure to avoid their feet , with him in my lap.

"why aren't they awake?" he asked me in a whisper tone as he rubbed his eye with one hand and held on to his blanket with the other.
i shrugged and stroked his soft pyjamas.
"i don't know chao"
he climbed off of me and crawled up the bed to where jaemin and jeno sat.
i didn't bother stopping him, knowing it would probably be much more pleasant, to be woken up by a cuddly three year old, than it would've been if i had thrown water on them like i planned.

"uncle jaemin, uncle renjuns friend" he whined he shook them lightly.
jaemin's eyes fluttered open as he detangled himself from jeno and smiled sleepily at the baby.
"good morning chao, where's renjun"
chao smiled with his few front teeth and pointed to where i sat at the end of the bed.
jaemin sent me a smile before looking at jeno's sleeping state.
chao turned to me as he pointed at jeno.
"who's that uncle renjun?"
i moved up the bed and sat the baby on my lap once more.
"that's jeno"

jaemin ruffled chaos hair as the child repeated jeno's name for confirmation, to which i nodded.
"should we wake him up" jaemin asked chao quietly as the three year old nodded.
"help me shake him"
the baby giggled and began to lightly shake jeno's arm.
"mister jeno!" chao called out.

when jeno finally woke up, he was confused, but the confusion was soon replaced by joy as he saw the three of us in front of him.
"who might you be?" he asked my nephew.
"my name is chao! and uncle renjunnie said your name is jeno"
jeno nodded and looked to me before sitting up and high five-ing the boy.
"oh" chao said as he turned to me and bounced onto his knees.
"daddy said that breakfast was ready"

after we made our way down the stairs, we were hit smack in the face by the smell of pancakes and bacon.
"smells nice" i said to my brother who sat on the couch feeding his son.
"thanks, i slaved over it for half an hour" he said dramatically as jeno and jaemin laughed.

"so" sicheng began after we all started our breakfast. "how did you get here last night, jeno?"
jeno chuckled nervously.
"i came through the window after i saw them here from my window" he explained as he rubbed the nape of his neck.
sicheng looked at jeno as if he had the IQ of a rock.
"we have a door" he pointed out as he gestured towards it.
jaemin laughed, as did i, as jeno rolled his eyes and began defending himself.

"okay there's no need to attack me" sicheng said as he raised his hands as if he were surrendering to the embarrassed teenager.
jeno apologises timidly as i snorted at his and my brothers behaviour.

"so guys" jaemin began "what should we do on this fine saturday?"
my eyes lit up as i got an idea.
"can we plEAse go to the park"
it was jeno's turn to laugh at my childish behaviour this time, as they both collectively nodded and agreed to my plan.


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