Squidward is the most attractive cartoon character ever created ,and if you think otherwise i am going to show up with my army of bubble guppies and corporal Daddy Shrek, and his right hand man Donkey to steal all of your turkeys, and anime bo...
Squidward decide he would have to be bold, he was going to have to be fierce!!
And plus he didn't like his humpty dumpty looking ass father anyways, he decided he was going to be a cold HARD criminal. And there was nothing anybody was going to to about it.
And plus that string bean looking man had fine ass legs.
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After Squidward made the HARD decision of being this criminals right hand man, the first act was to commit his first crime.
Was he going to sell hookers on the streets, was he going to start doing heroin?
No he was going to commit the worst crime of all, one not even the most pimpy of all the pimps could think of.
He was going to steal a cookie out of the cookie jar.
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But not just steal a cookie from the cookie jar, him and Robbie Rotten were going to steal a cookie out of every cookie jar in lazy town!!!!!
They were going to go down as the best criminals in the history of all criminals, Squidward would never have to work at a fast food chain. Only poor teenagers, and convicted criminals worked at those places.
He was going to make some major dough selling some of them cookies on the baking black market.
But eventually they were going to have to wipe out the competition Stephanie, word on the street is that she has some major baking skillz. But they were going to have to deal with her later, right now the only thing on Squidward and Robbie Rotten's minds were, who were they going to steal their first cookie from?
Well they should probably go BIG or go home....
They were going to steal their first cookie from Stingy, and i head from a little birdy that he has an entire cookie lock system. One that if you don't put the right code into the safe it could rip one of their dicks clean off.
It was going to be a HARD bust, but the boyz were pretty sure they could do it.
(next on kim possible, will the new squid criminal be able to successfully commit his first crime. Or will he end up getting caught)