Chapter 3

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I woke up again with a bigger headache. I tried to sit up but failed as my whole body felt weak. I looked to the side and saw two pills and a glass of water.

I tried to sit up again and with all my strength managed to but accidentally ended up dropping head again the wall. I groaned in pain and reached out for the glass of water.

I slowly grabbed the glass with my shaky hands. I was bringing it closer to me when I dropped it. I couldn't even hold a glass of water. The sound of the glass breaking would probably alarm the werewolves in the house.

A few moments later my dad came breaking down the door into my bedroom. His eyebrows were furred together in concern.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" he asked standing in front of the bed.

"I don't fe-" I started explaining before falling into darkness again.


Once again I woke up but this time the pounding on my head was lighter and the room seemed much brighter. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room. This wasn't my bedroom, it was one of the places I hated the most, the hospital. I looked down and saw the I was wearing a hospital robe and the clothes that I had worn yesterday and fell asleep on were laying on the couch.

"Mom?" I mumbled while trying to sit up.

"Don't sit up, you need to rest," I head a voice next to me. "I'm Joanna, the nurse that is going to be attending you today."

I turned my head and saw a short lady with a short dark hair writing into a clipboard.

"How did I get here? Am I going to be okay? Where is my mom? What time is it?" I mumbled out while feeling a bit dizzy.

"Don't talk, alright? Your dad brought you here a few hours ago. He just left, it's Alpha's celebration and he had to be there for the new Alpha receiving his title. You're mom wanted to be here but what you have is really contagious to humans so you're not allowed to have human visitors. You're going to be okay, it's just your weak human body can't fight this alone and it's 9:30 pm," Joanna said in a cold voice.

I laid back down while Joanna finished writing down notes. After she was finished she glanced down and me and left the room.

I've only ever been in the hospital 3 times.

The first one is the most obvious one, the day that I was born. My mom used to tell me how much of a miracle I was to her. After having the triplets she was told she couldn't have any more kids. She was heartbroken because she always dreamt of having a girl who she could dress up, do her hair and play with. When she found out she was pregnant with me she couldn't have been happier. She told everyone about it.

The second time I was in the hospital was when I was 7 years old and had to have my tonsils removed. Victoria and I weren't friends at that time and she had scared me to believe that I was going to go mute. I cried all day the day that I was going to get them removed. The triplets had made it their job to make me laugh but even though they tried and tried they kept failing. The only one who had made me smile that day was Xander who got annoyed by my brothers and individually punched each one of them. I remember laughing so hard at their reaction.

The third time was when I was 9, a few weeks before it all went to hell. Xander had gotten into a fight a broken his nose. A kid who seemed also 9 had pushed me down the swing and I had cut my arm. Xander saw the whole thing and was mad because I couldn't defend myself. He asked the guy to apologize but when he didn't that is when the fight broke down. Xander only broke his nose but the other kid who was younger than him had gotten more hurt. Xander stayed the night at the hospital and I was allowed to stay there with him.

When the werewolves and revealed themselves there was a war. Humans hated them, mostly because of fear. Hospitals ran by humans were shut down because they cured the human soldiers who fought. After that, the hospitals were controlled by monsters. They decided who to attend a who to ignore. Most humans died there.

I heard the door open and turned to look at who was walking in. My dad. He gave me a concerned smile which I ignored and sat down on the only chair in the room.

"Xander asked about you," my dad said. "He was really concerned when we told him about you being in the hospital. He wanted to come, but your mother said that you needed privacy."

"Hmm.." I let out a sound not really caring about anything that my dad could say.

"His mate wasn't at the party. We are thinking that she might be on another pack. The ceremony was amazing, his dad passed him the Alpha title and you could feel the power coming out of Alpha Xander." My dad said in a dreamy voice.

His smitten already, I decided to not even make a sound this time.

I heard a sigh come from him.

"I wish you would treat me as you used to. I was your hero," he told me in a low voice. "I personally blame the human media and Victoria."

"I personally blame vampires and werewolves." I snapped back. My throat

"We aren't monster," he stated.

"Leave," I asked my voice breaking.

"I'm not leaving. I'm here either you want me or not. I'm your father." He said.

I let out a groan and closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep. I've slept so much.

After a few minutes of trying to sleep, I heard my dad got up and walk towards the bed. I kept my eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

I felt his lips on my forehead. Then he walked away, leaving the room. As soon as he was gone I wiped my forehead and kept trying to sleep.

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