Chapter 4

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"You heard the nurse, you can't go out today," my mom said while trying to cook dinner.

"Please, Victoria is already on her way. Plus I'm only going out for dinner and I'll be right back." I begged.

I had just been released from the hospital two days ago with the condition of staying inside my house for three days, today was the last day. I've stayed locked in my room for both days only coming out to get dinner and go back up. I hadn't spoken with the triplets and didn't care about talking to them now.

"You're mother said no," My dad said while walking into the kitchen.

He walked up behind my mom and gave a kiss on the neck. I frowned in disgust and tried to just ignore my dad being there.

"Maybe tomorrow you can g-" My mom began before being interrupted by my dad.

"No, tomorrow in full moon parade and we all are going since Alpha Xander is going to announce his new beta and third in command." My dad said proudly.

"I'm not going to that," I stated.

"You are," My mom said back with a glare.




"Look, let's make a deal. I go out today with Victoria and tomorrow I'll go with you without any complaints." I said, I really needed to see Victoria and tell her I've thought already about what she told me about Hawaii.

"Fine," My mom sighed.

"But you're back before 10 pm," My dad said, I only glared back.

I felt my phone buzz, Victoria was here.

I quickly gave a kiss goodbye to my mom and left. The car of Victoria was outside. I ran towards it and got inside quickly.

"Where are we going?" I asked as soon as I was inside the car.

"Sunshine Bistro," she replied.

Of course, every time I go out with her we go to the same restaurant. Sunshine Bistro is the only restaurant ran by humans. It's very good but and it's vegan. So neither do vampires nor werewolves go, they don't the food served there. It was the best place to have a private conversation without people snooping in.

Victoria turned up the music and san along with the lyrics. I smiled and looked out of the window.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the destination. We quickly climbed out of the car and walked into the building. They gave us a table next to the window. As soon as we sat down we ordered the usual. A diet coke and a vegan burger for Victoria, a strawberry lemonade and for me a vegan avocado salad sandwich.

"Vic, I thought about your offer," I told her after we received our drinks.

"Yeah, so what is your answer?" she asked me while taking a sip of her coke.

"I'm leaving with you," I stated.

"Great, you won't regret it," Victoria said with a smirk.

"So, what would be the plan?" I asked her.

"There is a small group of vampires that are also getting kicked out. But they're going to a coven and a week after me. The plan is that you escape with them, they'll be all wearing red capes covering their faces. After you're out will meet here," Victoria pulled out a map and pointed towards a spot right outside our territory and on the Bloodmoon Coven territory. "After we meet a guy is going to help us and take us across Bloodmoon's territory and will get us into a boat. Then will be out."

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