1 | Forgetting

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Ali had just settled in at her usual lunch table when her friend Mae nudged her in the side to get her attention.

"Hey, isn't that Seonghwa? When did he come back?" Mae questioned her.

Ali turned to face the direction in which her friend had pointed out, and her heart squeezed at the sight of the guy she used to be so in love with. His dark hair glistened in the sun, and his smile lit up as he laughed at something his friend had said.

Seeing his smile, memories that she had tried so hard to suppress floated to the forefront of her mind. Ones of how he used to smile at her like that, and how he would laugh at the jokes she had made. There were also the times his arms would wrap about her and they would enjoy each other's company.

Now they were memories that only she could recall, whereas to Seonghwa, she didn't exist at all. And it was all thanks to the accident they had both been involved in a year ago. Luckily, they had both come out unscathed, physically anyway.

Mentally, Seonghwa didn't fare well, as he forgot everything about her. The things they had shared and the inside secrets that belonged to only them. To him, she was nothing more than a nameless classmate.

It all came down to their love meaning nothing. Although it pained her to go about her day and pretend that she was ok with not seeing Seonghwa, she was just happy that he was alive. As long as he was alive and living his life as best he could, she could try to move on. Even if she did secretly wish he would remember her. For the time being, she was just going with the motions.

His returning to uni meant he was doing fine, and she smiled warmly at seeing him being his old self.

She spun back around and ignored Mae's comforting look. Truthfully, she didn't want anyone's pity; this was just how life was now, and she would have to get used to it.

As she began to eat, her phone rang and dread bubbled up within her as she saw the caller id.

A call from her father meant nothing good.

Across the campus, Seonghwa had been feeling eyes on him for a while. He turned his head just in time to see a girl look away from him. The brief glance of her face caused pain to shoot through his head, as images tried to push through the fog that constantly clouded his mind.

It had been an entire year since his accident, and he was still finding it hard to recall certain things. Although he had a feeling, what he had forgotten was a person. Since he could recall everything else, except that one person.

Seeing the girl across the way stirred something within him, and he couldn't quite place where he had seen her before. Perhaps she had been the one he had forgotten?

The more he thought about it the more his brain hurt, so he decided to just let it go for now.

One day, perhaps, he'll figure it all out.

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