21 | Save Yourself

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It had been an entire week since Seonghwa had been admitted to the hospital, and he had shown no signs of regaining consciousness.

Hongjoong, despite his friends begging him to go home, had refused to move. He wanted to be there for when Seonghwa finally woke up. It didn't matter how tired he had gotten, or how much of a mess he must have looked, Seonghwa needed him. Seonghwa being ok was the only thing that mattered.

"Joon, what exactly happened with the police? Did they ever catch who did that to Jae?"

Yunho's voice came from beside him, and it startled him a little. He hadn't noticed that the blue-haired male had been next to him the whole time.

"Seonghwa's off the hook, right?"

"Mm," Hongjoong answered him, "it seems like it. There's been a new lead, and with no evidence against Seonghwa, they had to let him go."

"You don't think he did it?"

"Seonghwa would never!" Hongjoong couldn't help but raise his voice. "Let's stop talking about this now. Seo is fighting for life right now, and we should leave all of that until he's out of danger."

"I suppose you're right." Yunho looked down at his lap and said nothing further.

"Are you friends of Mr Park?" An orderly voice said from above them, and they hurried to their feet.

"Doctor!" Hongjoong rushed at him and demanded, "what's happening? How's Seonghwa?"

"When he came in, he was in a bad way," the doctor started by saying the obvious. "He had some internal bleeding and if it was left any later, he would've lost his life."

"Internal bleeding?" Yunho repeated the doctor's words. "Why wasn't this known about before?"

"Yun, calm down." Hongjoong tried to soothe him. "Please continue, doctor."

"Yes. Well, usually after a car accident, certain injuries can go undetected for a while. Which was the case for Mr Park," he told them. "We have it under control now, and he should recover in time. He'll be out of sorts for a while, but he is out of danger. However, he'd have to stay here for the time being."

"I understand. Thank you, doctor." Hongjoong clasped the man's hand and lowered his head in respect.

After the doctor had bid them goodbye, Hongjoong flung his arms around Yunho and sobbed. "Did you hear that? Seonghwa's going to be ok. He's going to be ok."

Yunho patted his back and comforted him as tears poured down his cheeks.

"Are you sure about this, San?" Ali shone the flashlight down into the tunnel's entrance. "It doesn't look safe."

"Yes, I'm sure." San rolled his eyes. "I checked it out this morning, and there don't seem to be any problems. Just follow me and everything will go as planned."

He winked, and without waiting for her to reply, he jumped down the hole.

A thud could be heard, and Ali assumed he had made it to the bottom. She gulped and followed down after him.

Endless darkness stretched out before them, and San hit the torch a few times to get it to work. Once it did, the tunnel was just bright enough for them to see in front of them.

It was jarring not being able to see what was behind them, or at their sides, but they had to keep going. It was the only way they could make it out of there.

"Ali, take my hand." San held out to her, and she immediately took it. "Keep close to me and be careful where you walk. It's a long way to the outside, but we'll make it, alright?"

Ali nodded her head, even though she knew he might not see it. She was too scared to say anything out loud. Even if she did, her words would get drowned out by the drumming of her heart.

So close. She was so close to getting back to Seonghwa, and she hoped nothing would get in her way.

Hoping was useless. And she found that out when she felt San get yanked backwards. His back hit the chest of a burly warden, and thick arms encased him, keeping him in place. He had no means of escape.

Ali froze on the spot and didn't know what to do. That was until San's voice broke through the buzzing in her mind, "Ali, run! Get out of here!"

"Save yourself!"

Losing Sight Of You ❦ SeonghwaWhere stories live. Discover now