11 | Confusion

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"She played you big time, and about Ali... You may have lost her forever." His words seemed to echo around the room and still remained ever-present, even after his mouth had closed.

Did she play me big time? I may have lost Ali forever?

A splitting headache suddenly attacked Seonghwa, and it was taken all he had to not collapse to the floor.

Wooyoung's angry expression softened when he saw the look of pain crossing his friend's face, and he quickly put his hands out to stop Seonghwa from falling over.

He helped him over to one of the sofas and made sure Seonghwa was ok. Then he went over to a water dispenser to get a cup of water.

With his head down, Seonghwa focused on working through the pain, and the sofa dipped down as Wooyoung joined him once again. He accepted the water that was held out to him, and comfort was transferred to him through the hand that was now placed on his back.

"Look, I'm sorry for getting mad." Wooyoung sighed. "I've tried not to take sides. I wanted to be there for the both of you, but when I see Ali hurting like she is and how much this is affecting her, I lost myself in my anger."

"It's ok, " Seonghwa managed to say, and then when he could, he lifted his head and asked, "what's the truth? I'm so confused and I... I..."

He lowered his head again and scrunched the cup in his hand, the water within leaked past his fingers and made a puddle on the floor. Both guys were too immersed in their conversation that they didn't notice the mess that had been made.

"You and Ali were the IT couple, you know? Everyone in the uni called you 'relationship goals' or whatever." Wooyoung had to roll his eyes at that. "You were both inseparable until, you know, the accident."

Seonghwa furrowed his brows, and the throbbing in his head was becoming too much to bear. "What about the accident? They told me that it was me alone in the car. They said I had been drinking and had gotten behind the wheel, even though I was warned not to."

"Who told you that?" Anger seeped back into Wooyoung's voice.

"Jae and her parents."

"That bitch!" Wooyoung cursed and gnashed his teeth. "That isn't what happened, far from it. You and Ali had just left a restaurant and were driving back to the dorms. The car was hit from behind and you crashed into a lamppost: there were also signs of the brakes being tampered with."

"Seo, those two sisters, they aren't exactly the best of friends and their hatred for one another is deep-rooted. There's so much bad stuff in that family, and most of it is directed towards Ali. She didn't want you to know that part of her life." Wooyoung removed his hand from his friend's back, and he got up off the sofa, so he could grab a cloth to clean up the water on the floor. "Also, believe nothing Jae says, she can't be trusted."

"And Ali can?"

"Yes." Wooyoung vehemently nodded his head. "Ali is the most honest, reliable person I know, and she genuinely loves you - that's why I think she's given up on you. So you can be happy and go on with your life; even if she's not in it."

"Give up?" Darkness spread over Seonghwa, and just hearing about Ali giving up on him filled him with a sadness that was so profound that it felt like he was drowning.

He didn't know how he felt about Ali, but he knew that if she gave up on him, he would lose her forever. And he didn't want that. He abruptly stood up, startling the male beside him, and then he ran from the room.

He had to find her, but first, there was something else he had to settle before that...

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