18 | Noted Letters

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Rain pattered loudly against the barred window, and Ali tossed and turned in her bed. The scratchy blanket and thin mattress were doing nothing to help ease her into sleep. All she wanted to do was enter the dream world because it was there that she could be with Seonghwa again. Also, unlike reality, his memory remained intact, and life was exactly like it was before.

Despite having a friend like San with her, staying in the institute was slowly driving her crazy. She was thinking that maybe she did truly belong in a place like the one she was confined in.

She could tell that San suspected that there was something wrong with her. Lately, she had been more drawn into herself and she barely slept or ate. Even speaking was something she rarely did anymore, and no matter how much San tried to get her to say something, she would ignore him. Most of the time he just let her be, but then sometimes he would try everything within his power to make her happy. However, nothing worked and she would just become more reserved.

She wanted to go back to the times before the accident when everything was fine. It was also when she and Seonghwa were happy.

As for right now, everything seemed bleak, and she didn't know what she was going to do. She didn't even know what was going on in the outside world. This place seemed like it was cut off from everything, and it was like her reality was slowly drifting away from her.

When would this all end?

"Seonghwa, get a hold of yourself!" Hongjoong threw his intoxicated friend down on the bed and he placed his hands on his hips. He had seen Seonghwa drunk before, but it had never been this bad. "I understand that today was an upsetting day for everyone, but did you have to drink this much?"

"Joon, cut him some slack, huh?" Yunho tried to reason with him. "It was his 'fiancees' funeral after all, and Ali's still missing. He's been having a bad time lately."

Hongjoong considered Yunho's words, and then he sighed. "Fine, I get it. I'll let him off just this once, but I won't let this happen again."

"Ok, Ok." Yunho grinned, and said, "let's just leave for now. Seo can sleep it off, and we can check on him tomorrow."

Hongjoong nodded his head, but he still made sure that Seonghwa was fine before they left.

They had just opened the front door when they were startled by Wooyoung standing outside. It wasn't clear how long he had been standing there, but it seemed like he had been there for a while.

"Woo, are you ok?" Yunho noticed his friend's unkempt appearance, and he guided him inside.

Wooyoung sat down on the sofa and held his head in his hands.

"I didn't mean to... I didn't... She just..." He then jumped up and clutched onto Hongjoong's arms. "I didn't mean to. What am I going to do? I have to get out of here... If they find out... Oh god."

Hongjoong and Yunho didn't even get the chance to comprehend what Wooyoung was trying to say, because he had already run from the apartment. They called after him, but he was no longer in earshot.

"What was that all about?"

As usual, it was quiet within the cafeteria, and San sat before a silent Ali. He watched as she played with the food on her plate, and he noticed that she had touched none of it. It was saddening to see the normally chipper Ali, looking so disheartened.

"Ali, come on, you have to eat. You need to keep your strength up, especially if you want to survive in this place. You know that." He prodded her arm and beamed at her; a small part of him hoped she would return his smile, but she wouldn't even glance his way.

"Won't you tell me what's wrong, at least? Maybe I can help you." His voice lowered as he saw a warden drawing closer to them. He didn't want to get in trouble, as that would just thwart his plans to get Ali to talk. "We can wait till we're at the hideout?"

She still didn't reply to his questions. Instead, she slipped something under his tray. It was a note. He guessed she wanted him to wait until later when he could read it in privacy.

He slightly nodded his head, letting her know he understood what she was trying to say, and then he went back to eating.

Later that evening, San was lying on his bed, one arm was bent under his head, and his leg was placed on top of his bent knee. He fiddled with the note in his free hand, and he wondered what it meant exactly. One thing he knew, though, was that, whatever Ali was planning, he hoped she wouldn't be caught.

He took a glance at the note again, and his eyes roamed over the letters.

'I'm getting out of here'.

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