17 | Corrupt

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Seonghwa was mad.

Mad at the fact that he was being accused of something he could never do. He could never hurt another person, let alone kidnap them. Was he being seen as a person who could do such a thing?

Also, he was mad that these officers hadn't listened to a word he said or the protests coming from his friends. They just threw Hongjoong and Yunho aside like they were nothing, and Seonghwa was sure that it had injured them in some way.

Anger rose from the pits of his stomach, and he tried to swallow the bile that was climbing up his throat. He couldn't lose control here. He had to keep a tight reign on how he was feeling and settle things before they became even worse.

And another thing, it was terrible that Jae had disappeared. But where were the police when Ali had gone missing? He has reported her disappearance to them so many times, and they had sent him away saying there was not enough reason for them to search for her.

Ali was gone... And only he seemed to care about that. Even Wooyoung had said little about his best girl friend disappearing. Seonghwa was sure that Wooyoung would kick up just as much a fuss as he was doing. And he hadn't seen Mae since, either.

Pain struck him once again, and he clenched his fists as he fought through it. More and more frequently, he had been having headaches, and flashes of memories would attempt to break through the fog that still clouded his mind.

He had been planning to go to the hospital soon to get it checked out, but he had other pressing matters to deal with first.

The ache got worse when he felt a force smack into the side of his face.

Spitting out blood, his head turned to the side, and he eyed the officer in front of him. His hand was still raised, and Seonghwa was sure he now had a mark that was the same shape on his cheek.

"Are you back to reality now?" officer Kwan growled at him.

"Don't hurt him too much." Grinned another officer, known as Soo, who stood with his back pressed against the wall. A cigarette hung from his lips, and the smoke rose to the ceiling.

It had stunned Seonghwa for a moment, and his gaze wandered about the room until it came to a stop on one camera that was on the far most wall. Its light was switched off, and that was when Seonghwa realised that whatever the officers did in the room, no one would come to stop it.

"Why?" the officer who had hit him scoffed, and then he raised his hand once more. "Her father paid us a lot! He said to do whatever we had to, to get him to talk. We can hurt him as much as we like."

This time, when he hit Seonghwa again, he did it with more force. The blonde-haired male's head shot backwards, and he hit it hard on the back of the chair. Black spots appeared before his eyes, and his ears rang.

"Where did you hide her?!" Smack.

"We know you did it! So why don't you be a man and admit it?" Smack.

"Just tell us where you hid the girl, and this will all be over!" Smack.

This continued for a while until it was difficult for Seonghwa to even raise his head.

Before this had all started, he had discovered that they had tied his arms and legs to the very chair he sat upon. Despite all of his struggling, he couldn't break free from the rope that bound him to the chair. He could only sit there and take it as the older man's
fists rained down on him.

After what seemed like forever, a knock came at the door, and Officer Soo opened it ever so slightly. It was just enough for him to poke his head out.

"Sir, sorry to interrupt, but there have been some new developments."

Whispers could then be heard, and once the person had gone, Officer Soo came back into the room.

"There's been some news." A grimace formed on his face, and he gestured towards the bloodied man. "Clean him up as best you can and bring him with us."

"Are you sure?" The other officer looked at Seonghwa and his colleague. "What was the news?"

Soo let out a sigh and replied, "a body was found a few miles from here. From the description, it could be Jae."

"This could now turn into a murder investigation."

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