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Seonghwa stirred in his sleep, and then abruptly woke up. A bad feeling overcame him and he knew something was about to happen.

And his instincts were right when his bedroom door slammed open to reveal a dishevelled Jae. Her hair was all over the place, mascara left black trails on her cheeks, and her clothes were in a disarray.

One thing startled Seonghwa more than her appearance had done, and that was the large knife she held in both hands. Her hands were red raw from how hard she was gripping it, and she brandished it at him. Immediately, he recognised it as being the knife he kept sheathed in the kitchen.

He slowly got out of the bed and held one hand out towards the shaken girl.

"Jae, what are you doing? Don't do something you'll regret."

"There will be no regrets when I kill you and then myself!" The knife shook in her hands, and instantly Seonghwa knew she wasn't serious about it.

It was possible that she was just trying to scare him. But then again, he didn't know what she was truly capable of. He had been kept in the dark about so many things: the accident, his relationship with Ali, and the feud between both sisters. And there was the fact he knew hardly anything about Jae; he only knew what she had told him in the hospital.

"Jae put the knife down. You don't have to do this. We can talk about this reasonably," he spoke low, and coaxingly, hoping that she would see reason.

"Reasonably? Don't have to do this?" she spat and drew nearer to Seonghwa. "Then what am I supposed to do? Even if I don't do this, I'll be sent to prison anyway for the things I've done!"

Her last outburst caught Seonghwa's attention, and he inquired, "what did you do, Jae?"

"I...I..." She hesitated and lowered the knife to her side. She sighed and lowered her head. "I killed Ali's mum. Alice was sweet and kind. She was the perfect mum, but still, I killed her. I drove a wedge between her and my father so much so that she was kicked out of the family home. Later she was found unconscious on her bathroom floor, and she died later at the hospital; they said it was an overdose. And then the car crash with you and Ali..."

"What about the car crash?" Seonghwa lost his patience when she didn't continue.

"I was the one who caused it! I got jealous of you and Ali, and did you know that I've loved you longer than her? So why did you choose her? Why didn't you choose me? I was right in front of you, but all you could see was my sister! What does she have that I don't?!" Her anger grew once again, and this time she didn't falter in her steps, and she came towards him.

And when she was right in front of him, she struck out with the knife, but fortunately, she wasn't fast enough. Seonghwa caught the knife with his hand, and he didn't flinch when he felt the blade slice into his palm. Blood dripped to the floor, and a crimson puddle started to form.

"Oh, Seonghwa! I didn't mean to!" Panic showed on Jae's face. "I didn't want to hurt you! I..."

She said no more and ran from the room. As he watched her leave, Seonghwa released the knife, and it fell to a clatter on the floor.

"Seonghwa, what happened to your hand?" his friend, Hongjoong, asked as soon as he stepped into the apartment. "Is it serious?"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes at his friend's fussing and assured him he was fine, and it was just a minor cut.

"Have you still had no luck in finding Ali?" his other friend, Yunho, asked, with his mouth full of food. Once he had gotten inside, he had headed for the fridge and raided it. Typical Yunho behaviour.

"No." Seonghwa slumped down onto the sofa and ran his uninjured hand over his face. He was tired, and he couldn't stand to be away from Ali for a moment longer. There was so much he had to ask her, so much he had to talk to her about. There was so much he didn't know about their past relationship.

If only he had his memories back, so he wouldn't have to hear about their story from other people.

"Speaking of being missing," Hongjoong started to say. "Has anyone seen San lately?"

"Not since we went to that party a few months ago. But it's not that unusual. San always disappears for days on end, and then randomly shows up when you least expect him to. He'll probably reappear soon. He's never gone for that long."

"You might be right." Hongjoong agreed, yet he still looked worried. "It's just that he's never gone this long. It's been months since I saw him last."

Seonghwa clapped his friend's shoulder and said, "I'm sure he's fine. San knows how to look after himself."

"I guess." Hongjoong bit his lip nervously.

The three guys suddenly looked towards the door, when there was a loud banging sound coming from that direction.

"Mr Park! Open up, it's the police!"

"Why are the police here?" Yunho turned to his friends and saw their matching expressions of confusion.

"Answer it." Hongjoong urged Seonghwa.

Seonghwa nodded his head and walked over to the door.

Two strict looking officers stood upright in front of him, and he gulped. His sweaty palm gripped the door handle, and he tried to steady his nerves. "Evening officers," he politely greeted them and asked, "is there something the matter?"

The more stout of the two officers held up a badge, and his moustache shook as he spoke solemnly, "Mr Park, are you aware that your fiancée, Miss Lee Jae, has been reported missing?"

"Missing? Jae?" Seonghwa's eyes widened, and he thought he might have heard it wrong. "How did that happen?"

"We were hoping you could tell us the same thing. We will have to take you to the station for further questioning. As you were the last one to see her before her disappearance, right now you're our prime suspect."

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