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Am from the south, and when you're from the south, living near the borders was not a day job. It was warm in the morning, hot at noon and boiling hot at night.

Anyway, everyone got used to the routine. My late father use to tell me about the great Northern land, that had a cool temperature. As a kid, have always wanted to be there, just because of the stories I heard about snow men. I have never experienced snow fall. Isn't that wonderful, having to be thrown in the hot prison of hell of the Southern empire.

However today, the morning wasn't as warm as it used to be. It was freezing cold. The feeling tickled my soft skin, causing sweet sensation. It felt like heavens. When the feelings got so real, I jumped off the bed.

"OMG!, it was all an illusion"

I might have believed if the southerners were so blessed. We were the only tribe without the ability to weld ice. Maybe not so, some warriors had powers including my late dad, but they were few. Most warriors we had used weapons as a means of combat. Children who had inherited these gift from there guidance were rare, even if there was, they were always recruited to the central kingdom as a method of protection.

Anyway, that didn't bother me a bit. It was proven that I didn't have any special potential than my all some cooking skill. Since then they gave up on me.

I got out of the bed with all the strength I had.

"Aaaarrrrrrr! " I yawned in almost stress" what a night "

When I got to the bathroom, the water was warm as expected. After a proper bathe, I went to the kitchen to see what was up for breakfast. I opened the dish, the sweet smell that struck me was paradise itself, it was delicious!

"wow, OMG!" my mouth watered "this is going to be perfect, mom you are the best"

I could no longer wait. I snatched the spoon up and was half way to the pot when I realized something was wrong. Where is she?

"mom!" I called out "mom are you there?"

After I got no reply, I considered that she went to the market already, I was in no position to check. The more I decided to go against my will, the more the temptation got stronger. I dipped the steal spoon to the heart of the food, and started mulching and swallowing.

If my mom was here, I knew she was would have scolded me. The meal ended in a sudden momentum, that I moored for more. I wished it could have lasted forever, but I knew it was impossible.

I went to the living room to check for any possible note, when I found none, I assumed she forgot. I took my normal position on white couch. It was an habit of mine, going to the imaginary world.

My dream...

I slipped

I was falling miles in the darkness, waiting patiently for impact. When I realized I was close to the ground,my plans were sabotage....


It was unexpected, unconscious, un.......


' wait, that was strange ! '

When I realized it was real, I blinked I'm confusion. It has been years since we received a visitor. It has been year since the last visitor, and that was since my father's death. They said they weren't sure of his death. But when the...

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door was trusted open. The faces I saw were not friendly. They were warriors, they welded sword twice the size of my head, able to behead me from a little swing and the large shield hung supremely at their backs. I might have considered them from around here, but that would be totally wrong. They were clad in full armors of the one of a knight going to war. The most of all, they had the king banner enrobed into there breast plate. It was really rare to have that here.

They almost tripled over me because of their masculine size. They must have traveled for days, that means they brought important.

" who are you?--" I stammered "and what do you want from us-- no me"

" are you ELIN Diana? "the one in the middle spoke, who looked like a bar Knight spoke with a death driven voice, letting is brown hair illuminate in the morning sun's ray" Daughter of the late general, 16 years old? And ---"

O MY GOSH, am dead, how did this guy know something only my mother had access to...

Picture of the day.

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Remember to leave a like as a tip of encouragement, you know writing a free book is not easy.



What's going to happen?

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