Birthday Special

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Hi guys!!! Today's my birthday pals and I'm so happy that I'm finally 15 years old but coming closer to death.So I'm doing a birthday special for me and my readers out there!

Today is my birthday and I'm so excited to spend it with Ink and Error.As I got ready for school,I heard  Ink calling me for breakfast.I ran down the stairs and go to the kitchen and sat at the table.Ink put down a plate of f/f on the table and said "Enjoy and Happy Birthday".I said "Thank you" in response and look around the kitchen for Error."Hey Ink" I said,Ink hummed in response,"Where's Error?" I continued. "He is still sleeping somehow" said Ink. "Oh ok bye Ink" I said as I finished up eating,putting on my shoes and running out the door."Bye Y/n"said Ink

Temskip brought to you by chibi Kaname and y/n watching anime!!

After school
Y/n POV still
I walked out of school with my friends going to the cafe to spend the rest of my birthday there.As my friends and I arrive one of my friends named bf/n gave this friendship bracelet with her/his name on it.I was so happy and thankful for it that I tackle them in a hug making us both fall to the ground while our other friends laughed at us.After we went to the cafe we went out separate ways.As I was walking home I say that my house looked dark as I came closer to it.I took out my keys and turned the lock slowly while opening the door.I peek my head inside and whispered "Ink,Error are you guys here" .Then I fully stepped inside the house,closing the door behind me quietly.As so as I close the door I heard someone or something shout "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!!!" I screamed loudly and the lights turned on and I say Ink and Error both holding a f/f (favorite favor) cake.I squealed in delight as I hug the both while saying thank you over and over again.I spend the rest of my birthday eating the cake Ink made while talking to Ink and Error.

Welp I'm done also I wrote my then I usually write.New record!!!
Bye everyone!!!

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