Why it took me so long to update?

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I'm back again sorry I took so long to update.The reason why took so long because Fridays I get out of school at 12:30 and I don't go to afterschool.So when I get home my mother likes to be a pain in the ass and have me do so much work that I fall asleep right after every single Friday.So now we are on break for a week and my literature teacher likes to rank us by high school ready homework so he ranks us and gives the high school ready less homework and the ones not ready a  whole pile of homework and I was a part of the ones "not ready" because I don't speak during discussions.I was so pissed because he knows I'm high school ready but refused to give me less homework.Now I'm up late finishing this homework in one week and on top on that I had to go to Break Academy.I barely got any sleep.My break is ruined and I need more sleep.Here's a short little skit including characters from my favorite animes to make up for my absences.

Kaname:I'm soooooooo tired

Fairy Tail

Lucy:How come your so tired KC?

Kaname: Because I didn't get enough sleep

Lucy:Well why don't you go to sleep?

Kaname:I cant because of stupid homework.

Lucy:Poor child *pats Kaname's head*

Kaname: *yawns and continues doing homework*

Assassination Classroom

Kaname:Koro sensai!!!!!

Koro sensai: Yes Kaname

Kaname: Can you help me with me homework?

Koro sensai: Of course Kaname

Kaname: Thank you Sensai!!!

Beyblade Burst

Kaname: * sleeping in a tree*

Valt: *passing by a seens Kaname sleeping in the tree*Kaname!!!

Kaname: *opens one eye and looks down to see Valt* Hi smol bean

Valt:Why are you sleeping in a tree?

Kaname: Because I'm tired and there is nowhere else to sleep


Kaname: *goes back to sleep*

Kaname: Thank you for reading my stupid rant if you guys actually read it.Byeee!!

Kaname: Oh P.S I had this conversation with one on my friends about how I have 6 or 7 husbands and she was was so pissed at me.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Byeeeee again

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