Chaptet 2: Troubled Moments

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*I always had this one dream where I'm just aimlessly walking nowhere in the dark while I hear the laughter of others burned into my head, whenever I wake up from that dream I'm always crying which is really rare of me to do. *

I began to wake up, not finished with my dream to the sound of loud screams.

"Ahh!! Ahh!! Please don't do this babe!! You know that I love you!! Right!?" I looked towards the direction of the screams and what I saw surprised me. There in front of me, a girl that I would say the size of a building.

I continued looking towards the massive girl until I saw her moving towards the man with a saddened look in her eyes. "You know, I thought we had something special, bu-bu-but then you started to hurt me more and more every day." She said while beginning to cry. Each step she took seemed to cause the guy that threatened me to tremble in fear. "I'M Sorry!! I just didn't want to let go of you, EVER!!!" He began to say in his last effort of meeting his fate.*I have a feeling that he's about to die, I should leave while I still can.* I thought while staring at the two.

While I was thinking about what I should do I saw a huge shadow hovering towards the guy and quickly realized it was her foot. The guy took notice of me and said in a feared tone of voice, "Help Me!!!"


The ground shook towards my POV. "Woah." I said with a straight look on my face. I looked to only see the giant foot lifting itself from the squished remains of his body.

The girl began to cry and after a while, she took notice of me just standing there. She began to say, "Oh, it's you, you're the guy who tried to defend me." She said still having tears flowing from her eyes. "Yeah it's me, are you alright?" I asked her to only realize how stupid that was of me,  she did just kill someone. *WOW, she's so freaking huge, what the hell is going on here?* I said in my head.

She looked down at me and said. "You're probably afraid of me right? You think I'm going to kill you?" I was in fact pretty calm about everything, I just had to watch my wordsn*Damn, what do I say at a time like this? I should try to comfort her at least.* I started thinking about what I should say next. "You know, I think he deserved to die!! Someone like him isn't a true man!! He should've been protecting you, not hurting you!!" I said in the most serious voice. "So please stop crying, I bet you'll look way more beautiful if you stopped crying right now." Only realizing what I had just said now made me embarrassed. She looked at me and began to blush, which in return began to make me blush also. "Your right." She said wiping her tears away.

"By the way, what's your name." She said hoping to get an answer. "Well my name is Daniel, so what's yours?" I said in hopes of finding out her name."My name is Claire." Giving off a cute smile. *I should try finding out how I'm in this size and see if there are any others in this size, wait what about my sister?* I thought to myself. I immediately grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. "Can you hold on Claire, I have to try to contact my sister." I said to which she responded by saying. "Oh? Ok, I'll just sit here meanwhile." She sat next to me on the ground away from the squished body. "Come on Emma pick up the damn phone." I was getting frustrated and worried about knowing my sister is the type of person that'll answer the phone, especially me right after seconds of me calling her. *Something's not right.* I turned to Claire seeing a worried expression on her face. She picked me up and placed me in the palm of her hand. "Is there something wrong Daniel? You look a bit worried there." She said in a calm voice that helped me calm down. "It's just that I've been trying to call my sister and she's just not responding, I'm worried cause she isn't the type to not answer a call." I said as I noticed I was in front of her face.


"Uuh-uuh!?" Was all I can manage to say as I looked as red as ever. *I can't believe she just kissed me and we just met.* I looked at her smiling, making me blush even harder. "Don't worry, I'll help you." She said. I nodded my head. I began telling her that it's best if we head straight to the college that's a few blocks away.  "It's great that I have you with me, this walk would've taken me days." I said trying to stay positive."Daniel?" She asked me which I assumed she had a question. "Yes?" I asked her. "Don't you think it's a bit quiet?" She said as I had just noticed now. "You're right, at this time of day there should be loud sounds coming from almost everywhere." I answered her. *She's right, why is it so quiet?* I thought to myself. Still sitting in her palm, we turned away from the alley and began to notice a huge amount of smoke coming from the other side of the neighborhood. "Quickly!! We have to check out what's happening!!" I said loudly. "Right." Claire answered as she began to run into the troubled area where all the smoke was coming from. Claire then stopped running and all we could find was the mass destruction this city was facing. *Oh no!!* I yelled inside my head as the thought of my sister in danger began to enter my head. *What the hell is going on!?* I asked myself.

*Edited chapter*

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