Chapter 5- Grandbabies

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Sawyer's POV:

Having your two best friends on the lacrosse team apparently meant you had to go to all their disgustingly early morning practices. I don't do mornings. Luckily, Lydia was there for Jackson so at least I had somebody to talk to.

"Hi!", Lydia chirped.

"Hi.", I grumbled in response.

"Well, I see somebody's not a morning person.", she mused. The boys all ran out onto the field, Jackson playng defense as everybody else tried to score. It all was fairly boring until it was Scott's turn. I visibly perked up to make sure Scott wouldn't wolf out or anything. He ran at Jackson, but he quickly rammed into Scott, knocking him flat on his back.

"What the hell was that McCall?! My grandmother moves faster than that, and she's dead! Do you think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?", Coach shouted.

"Yes Coach.", Scott replied through clenched teeth.

Coach Finstock got in Scott's face, "Then do it again." Scott got up, and ran back to the starting point. I immeadiately knew he was going to wolf out judging by his anger. He took off, running straight into Jackson, who fell and started holding his shoulder. Scott dropped to his knees, and clutched his head, like he was in pain.

"I'm going to kill McCall!", Lydia shrieked. "We have a game this Saturday! Jackson has to play!"

"Yeah, I'll be right back.", I said, running onto the field to help Stiles get Scott to the locker room, vaguely seeing Derek standing by field in the corner of my eye. Scott was bent over, trying to rip off his gear. "Scott?", I asked cautiously.

"Get away from me!", he screamed, his eyes transforming into a vibrant yellow, and baring his fangs. Stiles pulled me away from Scott, towards the lockers. He jumped up on top of the lockers, causing Stiles and I to back up into a wall. I grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall and handed it to Stiles, just as Scott started running towards us. The spray from the extinguisher calmed Scott down enough to shift back. "What happened?", he asked groggily.

"You tried to kill us!",I screeched, throwing my hand in the air. Maybe I was spending too much time around Stiles...

"It's the anger, it rises your pulse.", Stiles explained calmer than I did.

"Well that's lacrosse, it's a pretty violent game if you didn't notice.", Scott replied dumbly.

I snorted, "Trust me, I've noticed."

"You can't play this Saturday.", Stiles shook his head.

"But I'm first line.", Scotted whimpered.

"Not anymore.", I patted him on the back before skipping out of the locker room. The rest of the day went by as slow and boring as usual, especially chemistry. God, I hate Mr. Harris. I swear, it's like he has a hatred for humanity, so he decides to become a teacher. I caught up with Stiles, "Hey Stiles, can I come over your place for a bit? My Aunt Jenine's back, and I don't really feel like dealing with her." Don't get me wrong, I love my Aunt Jenine, it's just she's SO overbearing. Like last summer when she was here, Scott and Stiles came over to hang out, and she immeadiately starting blabbing about all the embarrassing things I did as a little kid. It was mortifying.

Stiles burst out laughing, "But I love your Aunt Jenine!"

"Shut up!", I said, blushing because he was recalling last summer. "Can I come over or not?"

"Sure.", he replied walking over to the jeep. Once we got there, he pulled me up into his bedroom. "What do you want to do now?", he asked. I shrugged.

Mr. Stilinski burst it, "Oh, hi Sawyer."

"Hey Mr. Stilinski.", I waved.

"I'm going down to the station, we don't need to have a talk do we? I want no grandbabies anytime soon.", he said to Stiles, making me blush furiously.

"NO DAD! YOU CAN LEAVE NOW!", Stiles shouted, a blush rising in his cheeks like mine. The sheriff just chuckled, and walked out the door. After he left Stiles asked, "Want to video chat Scott?"

"Sure", I squeaked.

Once Scott answered, he squinted at the screen, "Why are you two blushing so much?"

"Just my dad accusing me and Sawyer of makin' babies, no biggie.", he answered nonchelontly, causing my blush to deepen.

"Oh my god! Sawyer, you look like a tomato!", Scott wheezed out between laughs, making me bury my face in my hands.

"I hate you both.", I tried to say, but it came out all muffled.

"Aw come on Sawyer, it's cute.", Stiles cooed, pinching my cheek. I smacked his hand away because he was only causing me to blush more.

"OKAY! SUBJECT CHANGE.", I sang, clapping my hands.

"Did you guys find out what happened to Jackson.", Scott asked, concerned.

"He has a separated shoulder.", Stiles grimaced.

Scott looked shocked and guilty at the same time, "Because of me?"

"Because he's a tool.", I corrected.

"He won't be able to play on Saturday, they're counting on you.", Stiles continued, making Scott slam his face on the keyboard. I noticed someone wearing a leather jacket in the background. Derek.

"If it were anyone else, I'd be surprised.", I muttered.

"Huh?", Stiles asked, confused. I pointed to Derek in the corner of Scott's room. He tried to tell Scott, but the screen froze, so the message didn't go through in time for Scott to be prepared for Derek slamming him against a wall.

"I saw you on the field today!", Derek said, gritting his teeth.

"I don't know what you're talking about!", Scott shouted back.

"You shifted in front of all of them!", Mr. Grumpy yelled at Scott.

"They didn't see anything!", he answered back, panicking.

"And they won't because if you even try to play in that game on Saturday", he paused. "I'll kill you myself.", and with that, he disappeared from Scott's room.

I exhaled loudly, "Well, that was eventful."

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