Chapter 30- It's Over (+ Epilogue)

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Sawyer's POV: 

"Can't you go any faster?!", I groaned from the backseat of Jackson's porsche.

Stiles sped up a little bit, following the dirt trail in the woods. "Hey, this isn't exactly an all terrain vehicle!", Jackson complained, staring at the surroundings around him.

Stiles raised an eyebrow, "Well, did you pay for it?"


"Then shut up," I snapped, sinking lower in my seat. We pulled up just in time to see the alpha in full form. It was at least nine feet tall, covered in jet black fur, long fangs sprouting from its mouth, and had eyes glowing a bright red. Needless to say, it was completely terrifying. The even more terrifying part is that being near him made my eyes light up a bright yellow, and hold my head in pain. "Throw your molotov cocktail, Stiles!", I shouted.

Allison had this look of betrayal on her face, "You're a werewolf too?"

"I just became one today, I'm so sorry, Allie, but hopefully you're still my one of my two best friends," I muttered, but before she could respond, Stiles tossed his molotov cocktail like I told him to.

 Everything was going we and I was all ready to cheer, but the alpha caught it, which kind of screwed up our entire plan.

"Oh damn," Stiles muttered.

Scott yelled, "Allison!", and tossed her a crossbow, which she used to shoot the fire bomb still in the werewolf's hand. Flames engulfed its arm, and he started flapping it around in attempt to put out the fire. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that we're using fire to kill him?

Jackson threw his next, which caused the rest of his body to burst into flames. All of us backed up as the alpha stumbled around for a little while before finally collapsing on the ground, growling furociously the whole time. None of us knew what to do, after all, we were only kids. We glanced at each other briefly, my huntress friend told me quietly so no one else could hear, "Beta or not, you're still my best friend." Allison slowly made her way over to Scott. She bent down and kissed him, which made him change back into human form.

"Why'd you do that?", he knit his eyebrows together.

"Because I love you," she whispered back with a small smile on her face. Mr. Argent, who had been passed out on the ground this entire battle, got up as Derek exited his house and stood over his uncle.

"Wait, Derek!", Scott yelled. "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. What about her father, her family? What am I going to do? Don't do this!"

I could faintly hear Peter whispering things to get inside Derek's head; it worked. He got so worked up, he completely ignored Scott's pleas. "No don't-"

But it was too late. Derek grew out his claws, and slashed Peter's throat. He stood up and faced all of us, but his usual electric blue eyes were repplaced by ones the color of blood. In a shrill voice he spoke, "I'm he alpha, now."

"Shut the door!", I hissed at Stiles as we snuck into Lydia's hospital room. He scrambled to go do what he was told, followed by a series of loud creaking noises and weird faces from Scott and Stiles. I let out a soft snort, "You guys are such dorks."

"Like you have room to talk," Stiles pouted, making me laugh even more. "Just check to see if it healed already!"

Scott carefully peeled the gauze off of Lydia's side, revealing a deep gash that still was nowhere near better.

"What? Is it healed?", Stiles asked, craning his neck to be able to see.

Scott shook his head, "No, not at all."

"I don't get it, the doctor said she'd be fine," he tilted his head adorably in confusion.

"Yeah," Scott exhaled. "But she's not healing like it did with me and Sawyer."

"So, she's not a werewolf," I deadpanned.

A worried expression flashed across Stiles's face, "Then what the hell is she?"



Sawyer's POV:

"I can't do this," I whined after trying to control shift for the hundredth time today.

"You'll get it eventually," Stiles soothed, sitting down on his bed. "Why don't we just watch a movie and be normal teenagers for a little while?"

I sighed with a grin forcing its way onto my face, "Sounds perfect." I didn't even bother arguing when he went straight to his collection of Star Wars movies. I curled up at his side, giving me a flashback of the last time we did this. "Stiles, will we ever be normal?"

"No. No, I don't think so," he frowned in thought.

I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood, "You'll stay with me, right? All of this supernatural stuff isn't going to separate us, is it?"

"Of course it won't. Things will change, but I promise I'll be right here beside you."

My heart leaped at his words, I looked up at him with a bright smile playing on my face. I leaned forward, pecking his lips briefly, but passionately. He took a strand of my brown hair between his thumb and his fore finger and began twirling it around in his hand.


"Yeah?", he mumbled back.

I blinked once with a blank expression on my face, my tone deadly serious, "It's not over is it?"

"I don't think so, Sawyer. Actually worse things than the alpha could be out there."

"What do you mean?", I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I mean if werewolves exist...who knows what else there is out there," he explained.

I lowered my voice to a whisper, "I'm scared."

His planted a soft kiss on my forehead, "So am I, Sawyer. So am I."



Hi guys!'s over. I decided to put the epilogue in the last chapter because it was kinda short. It's still a little too short right now, but I'd rather it be short than add a bunch of unnecessary stuff that doesn't make sense. I hope you guys liked my story because I absolutely loved writing it. Thanks for reading :) 

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