Chapter 12- Studying never ends with just studying

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Sawyer's POV:

"So, if Derek's not the alpha, who bit you?", I asked Scott, who was sitting next to me in this subject with Stiles behind him.

"I don't know.", he whispered back.

Stiles leaned forward to tap Scott on the shoulder, "Did the alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know.", he answered again, sounding a little bit more frustrated, but apparently Stiles didn't pick up on that.

"Does Allison's dad know about the alph-"

"I don't know!", Scott snapped, causing half the class to turn around and look at us.

Throwing my hands in the air, I yelled, "Nothing to see here!" The teacher just scoffed, and continued handing out tests. Once it got to the three of us, Scott's paper had a big, fat D minus.

"Geez Scott, you have to study more.", I teased, earning myself an 'are you kidding me' look. I put my hands up in defense, "I was only joking, wolfy."

"I could help you study?", Stiles offered.

I eyed the C+ written in bright red marker on my test, and noticed Stiles got an A, "Could you help me study? I didn't do as bad as Scott, but I could still use some improvement."

"Yeah sure.", he shrugged before turning back to Scott, "Are you in?"

"No thanks, I'm studying with Allison tonight.", he replied.

A goofy grin broke out on Stiles's face, "That's my boy!"

"My little Scotty is growing up.", I said dramatically, wiping away a nonexistent tear.

He rolled his eyes at us, "We're only studying."

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you! If you squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god I'll have you deballed!", Stiles shouted.

"You don't have to live vicariously through me, you just got yourself a study date too, like two seconds ago.", Scott shot back, making a blush creep its way onto my face.

"I did, didn't I? Damn, I'm good.", Stiles did a fist pump in the air to celebrate. I laughed at his craziness.

"Whatever, just no more questions.", Scott sighed.

"Okay no more questions about the alpha, or the Argents, or Derek.", Stiles nodded along with everything.

I chimed in, "Especially Derek, he still scares me."

        The next class I had was with both Lydia and Allison, so I waved goodbye to the two boys and caught up with them.

"So, I heard Scott's coming over tonight.", I wiggled my eyebrows at Allison, who chuckled.

"We're just studying.", she responded.

I shook my head, "You know, Scott said the same thing. It's quite sad how you both lie to yourselves."

"Just studying never ends with 'just sudying'. It's like getting into a hot tub, someone eventually cops a feel.", Lydia smirked.

My eyes widened with realization, "I'm studying with Stiles tonight."

Lydia glanced at us, "Wow, I'm proud of you two. Make sure your boys cover up." My entire face was taken over by a shade of bright red, while Allison just looked confused.

"She means a condom.", I whispered to her, watching as she blushed too.

"Are you kidding?! After one date?!", she asked with disbelief.

Lydia rolled her eyes, "Come on, don't be so innocent."

"Lydia!", I shrieked.

She let out a long, dramatic, sigh, "My two best friends are total prudes."

"Stiles and I aren't even a thing! He doesn't even like me!"

She winked at me, "After tonight he will. You will hang out, and kiss the crap out of the twitchy boy, whom I still don't know why you like so much."

I laughed at her, but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Derek around the corner, "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll catch up with you guys later."  I left to go face the mysterious werewolf that was wearing the same leather jacket that he always does. Does he ever even change?! "What the hell are you doing here?", I snapped, observing his pale, sweaty appearence. "You look like death."

"Sawyer, where's Scott?", he asked sternly, but in pain. 

"I don't know, probably in last period, but you never answered my question!" He didn't even answer, he just walked off, well limped off. Why is it that every time I talk to Derek, I end up with a thousand more questions?


"So, you ready to study?", I asked, running up to Stiles as we exited the school.

"Sure, although I'd prefer we do something else!", he sighed, exasperated. "Let's get to my jeep." Was that supposed to be suggestive, or did I just take that the wrong way?, I thought about his sentence 'I'd  prefer we do something else'. I probably just took it the wrong way. Just as we were about to drive away from the parking lot, Derek walked in front of our car, causing Stiles to slam on the breaks. 

I jolted forward, "Is he seriously everywhere?!" We got out of the car to find Scott already rushing to his side.

"What are you doing here?", Scott questioned.

Stiles grimaced, "He doesn't look so good."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Thanks captain obvious."

"Anytime sargent sarcasm.", he replied, giving a mock salute.

"Is this really the time for that?", Derek snapped.

"Well somebody's grumpy.", I muttered, the scary werewolf giving me a death glare that would send Lydia Martin running for the hills. "Okay, shutting up now.", I continued nervously, my voice shaking a little.

"I was shot.", he said, ignoring me, and clearly in an intense amount of pain. My eyes widened, SHOT?!

 "That's what she meant when she said 48 hours.", Scott wondered out loud.

"What? Who said that?", Derek demanded.

"The girl who shot you.", he answer, and Derek winced, his eyes flashing between their normal color and an electric blue.

"What are you doing? Stop that!", I shouted in a hushed tone, trying to conceal him from anyone else's sight.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you, I can't control it!"

Well I guess I'm not getting my study date.

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