Chapter 7- Wolfsbane

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"This is a terrible idea.", I muttered as we pulled up to Derek's house.

"I know.", Stiles shrugged, pointing to the sleek, black car driving away. "That's our cue!" He parked the jeep on the side of the house, and the three of us jumped out with our shovels.

Scott stopped walking, "Something's different."

"What's different?", Stiles questioned, but Scott still looked puzzled.

"I don't know.", he replied.

"Can we just get this over with?", I complained. We continued walking up to where Scott smelled the blood, and got to work immeadiately. An hour of digging later, and we were still getting nowhere. "Ugh, this is taking forever!", I groaned.

"Just keep going.", Stiles rolled his eyes.

Scott still looked nervous about this whole thing, "What if he comes back?"

"Then we'll get the hell out of here.", Stiles replied with a shrug.

"What if we get caught?", Scott pressed further.

Stiles's eyes lit up, "Oh, I have a plan for that. You run one way, me and Sawyer run the other way, and whoever he catches first: too bad."

"I hate that plan!", Scott yelled with wide eyes.

I shoved him in the arm lightly, "Hey you're the one with super-speed, wolfy." I snorted at my own joke, when my shovel hit something wrapped in cloth in the dirt. "Hey! I hit something!" We dropped our shovels, and started trying to untie the knots in the rope that held the cloth shut. I let out a shriek, and jumped back into Stiles, burying my face in his chest while he wrapped a protective arm around me.

"What the hell is that?!", Stiles asked, a little shaky.

"A wolf.", Scott deadpanned.

"Well, I can see that.", I murmured sarcastically, eyeing the body of a wolf that had been cut in half laying in the cloth.

"I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood!?", Stiles shouted at Scott.

Scott grimaced, "I told you something was different."

"Come on, let's just cover it up and get out of here.", I told the two boys before starting to cover up the hole we made.

Stiles stopped suddenly, "Do you guys see that flower?"

"What about it?", Scott asked.

"I think it's wolfsbane.", he answered quickly, my eyes widened slightly with recognition.

Scott looked between the two of us, "What's that?"

"Haven't you ever seen 'The Wolfman', 'Clawed Reins', the original, classic werewolf movie?!", I stared at him in shock as he continuously shook his head. "You're so unprepared for this." Stiles shot up and ran over to the single purple flower a feet away, pulling up its roots, which traced a swirl pattern around the wolf. When we looked back at the sheet, there was half of the body of a dead girl in the wolf's place.

The three of us were waiting by the jeep as the police, when one cop brought Derek out in handcuffs, and shoved him in a cop car. Stiles took off running into the car after him, so naturally I ran after him to see what he was up to this time, completely ignoring Scott telling me not to go. 

Squeezing next to him, I questioned, "Should I even ask?"

"Just so you know, I'm not scared of you.", Stiles said to Derek, completely ignoring my question.

I gave him an 'are you kidding me' look, "I'm not a werewolf , and even I knew that was a total lie.", while Derek just continued to scowl.

Stiles continued, "Ok, but I just wanted to know something; that girl you killed, she could turn into an actual wolf-", but I cut him off.

"Scott can't do that. Is that why you killed her, because she was different?", I interrogated.

"Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend out there who will need it? When he turns out on the field in front of everyone, what do you think they'll do? Just keeping cheering him on? I might not be able to stop him, but you can, and trust me you want to.", Derek warned, but just as he finished, Sheriff Stilinski pulled the two of us out of the cop car.

"What the hell are you two doing?", he asked the both of us, dragging us away from the rest of the cops.

"Sorry Mr. Stilinski, we were only trying to help.", I replied glumly, kicking some dirt.

He sighed, "Well, then can the two of you explain how you came across this?"

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler.", Stiles answered simply. I tried shaking my head subtlely at him, but he just didn't get what I was saying, and continued.

"Which he lost when?", Stiles's dad questioned.

"The other night."

"The night you were looking for the other half of the body?"

"Yes." By now I probably looked liked a lunatic from how much a was shaking my head at Stiles.

"The night you told me it was just you two, and Scott was home?"

"Yes!", his eyes widened, realizing we just got caught in a lie. "I mean no! Crap.", he muttered the last part.

"So both of you lied to me?", Sheriff Stilinski asked, sounding disappointed in us.

"That depends on how you define lying.", Stiles argued back.

"I define it as not telling the truth, how do you define it?"

"Lying in a horizontal position.", he answered, using giant hand motions.

The Sheriff rolled his eyes, "Get out of here."

"Yes sir!", I said quickly, tugging Stiles over to his jeep where Scott was waiting. On the way to dropping me off, we were trying to figure out why that girl was a full wolf, unlike Scott. "Maybe it's different for girl werewolves?", I offered. "Or a burial thing, like when a werewolf dies."

Scott looked like he was in pain, "Stop enjoying this so much."

"You have to accept this sooner or later.", Stiles told him.

"I can't breathe!", Scott shouted through clenched teeth. I opened Stiles's bag, only to find the wolfsbane flower.

"Why'd you keep this?!", I screeched. "Pull over!"

Stiles kept going, "What? Why?"

"PULL OVER!", Scott screamed, flashing his golden eyes, and slamming his hand on the roof of the car. Stiles finally pulled over, and ran out to throw the bag as far away as he could manage, but it was too late. Scott jumped out of the car.

"Scott wait!", I yelled, running after him, but he already disappeared into the woods. Stiles gave me a questioning look when I walked back to the car, "He's gone."

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