Chapter 23- The Sidelines

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Sawyer's POV:

"Stiles come on, your dad has to work.", I tried to pull my crush up from his position on the floor.

"No, Saywer.", he looked me dead in the eyes. "I need to warn him." The emotion in his eyes shut me up immeadiately, I knew he couldn't lose his dad too after his mom died.

"Don't you kids have a test to take?", Sheriff Stilinski quirked an eyebrow, making his way over to us.

I looked up at him hopefully, "Have you found Derek?"

"Nothing yet.", the Sheriff responded, throwing a sideways glance at the annoyed look on his son's face. 

Stiles cut off any chat about Derek, "Be careful."

"I'm always careful-"

"No, you've never delt with something like this before. You need to be careful especially tonight.", Stiles ranted.

His father silenced him, "I know, that's why I brought in people who have. Go take your test."

"Well, this is just great. Tonight's a full moon, Derek's missing, and on top of that, I'm totally going to fail this chemistry test!", I sighed, exhasperated as we walked towards Mr. Harris's room.

"Why are you so concerned about Derek? I think he can handle himself.", Stiles snapped.

I put two hands up in defense, "Hey, I'm just worried because we need him if we're going to help Scott. Do you have a man crush on him or something?"

His face flushed and his hazel eyes sprung open, "WHAT?!"

"Geez, I was only joking.", I giggled. The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile at my laugh. "Let's go take this test."

I swung the door open, taking my seat next to Stiles. Only a few moments later, Scott walked in and tried to talk to Allison, but Mr. Harris told him to get to his seat. The werewolf slumped down in the chair in front of Stiles and diagonal from me.

"Alright students, you have 45 minutes to complete this test. 25% of your grade can be earned by writing your name down on the cover right now.", our evil chemistry teacher droned on. I quickly scrambled to jot my name down on the front of the test, biting my lip to stop my laughter as Stiles did the same. "However, every year one of you will forget to write your name, making me question my desicion to ever become a teacher. So, let's get the disappointment over with, begin."

A few minutes into the test Scott flew up from his seat and sprinted out to door, leaving Stiles to take off after him. I went to go run after them, but Harris decided it was time to mess with my life, "Miss Matthews if you leave this room, you fail, and I don't think your C average can be lowered much more without turning into an F."

I let out a frustrated groan, plopping back down into the plastic chair. This test better be worth missing werewolf drama.

"Hey what was with Scott and Stiles during that test today?", Lydia tilted her head, walking me down the hall. "Allison told me that they freaked out and left or something."

"I don't know.", I lied through my teeth. "Oh, hi Scott."

"Hey Sawyer, can I talk to you?", he asked quietly. I furrowed my eyebrows at his weird actions, must be the full moon. "Uh, sure. Save me a seat at practice, Lydia."

Scott lead me into Coach Finstock's empty office, "Does Allison still like me?"

"Of course she still likes you. Do you want me to tell her that you were only trying to protect her?", I offered my heartbroken friend.

"Yeah, shouldn't she have been grateful? I mean, I risked my life for her.", he ran his fingers through his shaggy brown hair.

"Yeah, I guess so-", my words died in my mouth when Scott start to back me up against the wall. I panicked as he leaned in towards my lips, letting my hand fly across his face with a loud smack. "I really hope this is the full moon.", I muttered, shuffling out of the room to find my place on the bleachers next to the strawberry blonde. "Lydia?"

"Yeah? Why are you whispering?", she said, never taking her eyes off Jackson, who was warming up. 

I made sure no one could hear me, "Scott just tried to kiss me."

Her curls swayed as her head snapped over to mine, "He what?! Want me to go talk to him?"

"Sure that'd be great.", I mumbled, watching Lydia stut off into the building, only when she came back she was a mess. The girl's hair was tangled and her bright red lipstick was smudged off of her lips. "What the hell happened to you?"

She flashed a Martin grin, "Oh, nothing." I shrugged off her weird behavior, and turned to the lacrosse practice. Scott was up first; he jogged over to the net, but was quickly shoved down by the defense. Coach Finstock laughed in his face, as per usual, and it was now Stiles's turn. I was really looking forward to seeing him play, but I guess that won't happen considering Scott stepped in front of him. The werewolf sped down the field, slamming the end of his lacrosse stick into Danny's face as a result. Danny collapsed on the ground with a bloody mouth, and although we weren't the closest, I still wanted to make sure he was okay. Big mistake. As soon as I stepped onto the field, Scott's eyes locked with my own, but his normal look was replaced with a smirk. My body froze up under his gaze, unable to do anything as Stiles's eyes flickered between us, a stormy expression passing over his adorable face.

I knocked on the door to the McCall house multiple times, but it was taking forever. Why wasn't Stiles answering the door? He should be here. 

"Sorry for the wait.", Stiles clenched his jaw, finally opening the door.

"Um hi?", I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "Can I help with Scott."

"Actually, I think you helped enough with him-"

I sighed, pushing past him and going up the stairs to Scott's room.

"Hello, Sawyer. Back for more?", Scott smirked.

Stiles's eye twitched, "I think she had enough." He stormed out of the room, practically sprinting down the stairs.

"What did you do?", I growled out.

"Oh, I only told him about how you kissed me.", Scott scanned to look of disgust on my face. "Don't you remember? Your hands were all over me, you would have done anything I wanted."

"That's a lie!", I croaked, my voice remaining hoarse and shaky.

"Stiles will never love you." Tears pooled in my eyes, and I balled my hands into fists at his harsh words. "He loves Lydia, don't you know that? He loves her, and not some pathetic girl who doesn't know how to move on. You're just watching them get closer and closer, but you'll never actually tell him. You won't ever tell Stiles you're in love with him because you know that he doesn't feel the same."

"You're right, Scott.", I choked out in hysterics at this point. "Of course I'm in love with him. He so perfect to me, and I just can't seem to ever feel the same way about anyone else. You're also right that he is head over heels for Lydia, always has been. I'm just the girl watching from the sidelines, and I will always be that girl."


I whipped around to see Stiles standing in the doorway of Scott's bedroom, with an unreadable expression on his face. 

"I'm so sorry." And with that said, I pushed past the boy I've been in love with my whole life and drove home with hot tears streaming down my cheeks, smearing my mascara in the process. I didn't stop to talk to anyone, rushing up to my room, I screamed and sobbed into my soft pillow until my throat was raw. My eyes stung and everything hurt. Nobody knew how much pain I was in that night as I cried myself to sleep over the spastic boy in my school.

The Sidelines ≫ Stiles Stilinski [book one]Where stories live. Discover now