Chapter 8- The Game

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Sawyer's POV:

"Stiles and Sawyer, you know that you two aren't allowed to call when I'm on dispatch.", Marie told us through the phone. We used to prank call her on dispatch when we were in 6th grade, so now she pretty much hates us now.

I tried to convince her to listen, "I know, but we just want to know if you've gotten any strange calls lately."

"About what?", she asked, frustrated that she had to listen to us again.

"About a man, or dog-like individual, roaming the streets?", Stiles tried.

"Goodbye.", she replied, immeadiately hanging up.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Dog-like individual? Nice one, Stiles."

"Oh please, like you had anything better.", he scoffed.

"Touché...", I drawled out before letting out a soft laugh.

"Scott just texted me, he's fine, he ended up at Allison's and shifted back.", Stiles informed me.

"That's good.", I yawned, and rested my head on his shoulder.

He chuckled lightly, "I'm guessing you're tired? I'll take you home." I slowly nodded, dozing off in the passenger seat. I vaguely felt the jeep slow down to a halt, and two arms wrapping tightly around me.

"Hm?", I mumbled in my sleep.

"Shh, just go back to sleep."

I blinked my eyes open to see Stiles carrying me in my house. Oh my god, Stiles is carrying me. I'm in Stiles's arms. I snuggled into his chest, that's warmth contrasted greatly against the cold. He smells really good. He carried me up the stairs to my room, and gently dropped me on my bed, but I immediately missed this feeling of him holding me.

"Could you stay, Stiles?", I murmured, still half asleep.

He shook his head, "No, my dad would kill me."

"Please?", I asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"I can't sleep without my pillow, but I guess I could stay for a few minutes.", he finally agreed. I patted the bed next to me, and he raised an eyebrow, "I can lay there?" I just nodded, and made a little more room for him. He climbed in the bed, and with my back facing him, he draped his arm over me. I knew he wouldn't be there when I woke up, but this moment was completely and utterly perfect.

I woke up cold, missing Stiles's presence. I just sighed, knowing that I had to get up to go to today's game. It could wait, I thought to myself, snuggling back into my pillow. That plan didn't work out for me too well.

"WAKE UP SAWYER!", I heard two female voices shouting, and hitting me with pillows. 

I fell off of my bed, and looked up at my two friends in disbelief, "Are you two insane?!"

"Yep!", Allison chirped.

"Start getting ready for the game, you already overslept.", Lydia ordered.

"But I have like a whole hour!", I whined, earning me a deadly glare. "Alright, alright, I'm going.", I put my hands up in surrender, trudging over to my closet for clothes. "Lydia, can't you pick out my outfit? You're the fashion queen here."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine." She rummaged through my clothes, her distaste growing with every article of clothing she shoved aside. "Oh, how about this!", her eyes lit up as she gave me a white V-neck paired with a leather jacket. "Wear that with a pair of skinny jeans, and you've got yourself an outfit!"

        Lydia drove us over, and we found our spot on the bleachers just as the game was about to start. Scott was running around, resembling a lost puppy, as all the other players passed the ball around to anyone that wasn't Scott. Something's up. The ball finally fell on the ground near Scott, but before he could go after it, Jackson shoved him into the ground to get the ball himself.

"What the hell, Jackson?! You're on the same team!", I shouted at him from the sidelines.

"A little help guys?", Lydia snapped, forcing the two of us to help her hold up the huge sign she made that said 'We luv Jackson' on it. Scott and Stiles both looked at us, but with two completely different reactions. Stiles had his mouth slighly parted with this pained, upset expression on his face, which made my heart break. He's probably just upset about Lydia holding the sign, I told myself. He's seen her hold up these types of signs before though....weird. Scott on the other hand, looked so angry, he could rip Jackson's head off, which he could possibly do. The referee blew the whistle, and the other team took possession. Scott leaped over two players to interecpt a pass, took off down the field, and scored, causing everyone to erupt into cheers. Once again in the next play, the other team got possession, but the player with the ball took one look at Scott, and passed it to him, confirming my thoughts that he was wolfed out. Scott scored again, making the score a tie. He got the ball a final time, but stopped abruptly near the goal.

"You can do it, Scott.", I heard Allison whisper next to me. That seemd to give Scott enough control to score again, right before the buzzer rang out to signal the end of the game. Allison and Lydia rushed on the field as I watched them with amusement before playing some games on my phone, waiting for them to come back. 

"Sawyer!", Stiles yelled, taking my attention away from my phone.

"Yeah?", I replied warily, he didn't look too excited.

"Scott's gone, and so is Allison, come on! They let Derek out of jail, we have to warn Scott!", he said pulling me with him to go check the locker room. We walked in, only to see Scott and Allison making out by the showers. Stiles was about to interrupt, but I pulled him back.

"Let them have their moment.", I whispered in his ear. 

Allison pulled away and was about to leave, but not before calling, "Hey Stiles, hey Sawyer!", to us. I replied with a wave and a sheepish smile.

"I kissed her.", Scott said dreamily, grinning like cheshire cat.

I chuckled, "We saw."

"She kissed me."

"Saw that too.", Stiles said, patting him on the back.

Scott was still all lovestruck from Allison, "I don't know how, but I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this."

"Uh, we'll talk later than.", Stiles said, not wanting to ruin his good mood.

"Wait, what is it?", he asked.

"To keep it simple: Medical examiner finds out that killer is animal. Derek is human, not animal. Derek let out of jail.", I answered in a small voice, Scott's eyes going wide.

Stiles winced "On top of that, my dad just identified the body, both halves. Her name was Laura Hale, Derek's sister."

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