Chapter 24- Sexual Desire Gives Me A Headache

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Sawyer's POV:

The bright sunlight eerily crept through my window, waking me up, even though the only thing I wanted to do today was sleep. I let out a loud groan, sluggishly dragging myself over to the vanity to examine my appearance. Black mascara and eyeliner was streaked down my face, my hair was a tangled, ratty mess, my cheeks were tear-stained, and my eyes were red from crying. Cringing, I tied my hair into a high bun and wiped excess makeup from my cheeks. Other than that, I didn't bother doing anything else.

A loud knock snapped me out of my sorrow, "Mom, I don't need anyth-" The words died off my lips as I stared at the open door of my room.

"Hi.", Stiles said breathlessly, carrying a boquet of red roses into the bedroom.

"Wh-what are you doing here?", I stuttered up, gulping.

His eyes scanned over my torn expression with a sad look on his face, "I wanted to apoligize."

"Apoligize? For what?"

"For everything. For causing you pain, for not realizing that I had an amazing girl beside me this whole time, but there's something I have to tell you first.", he wringed his hands together, sitting down gently next to me on my bed. "Remember the day you found out I was in love with Lydia?"

My face dropped, "Of course I do, you were describing someone to Scott like they were the greatest person in the world. I walked up and asked you who, and you said Lydia."

"But that's the thing!", Stiles laughed dryly. "It was never Lydia! It was always you, Sawyer; I was talking about you! I never thought I had a shot with someone as completely perfect as you, and frankly, I still can't believe you would actually like me. Scott was being an asshole yesterday, he was lying to you! I'm so utterly and hopelessly in love with you, Sawyer. So, if you want to, would you like to go to the Winter Formal with me?" I blinked twice, completely stunned and unable to respond. "I'm sorry, I'm being overbearing. This was a stupid idea, I-"

I cut off his rant by swiftly pressing my lips against his, "Does that answer your question?"

He cupped my cheek, pulling me back into his lips, molding them together perfectly. I pressed my hands against his chest as he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth. His fingers got lost in my brown locks, tangling them in my hair. I never knew how good of a kisser Stiles could be, this is even better than I imagined. He removed his hands from my hair, placing them on my hips respectfully, not going any lower.

"Mommy, why is Stiles eating Sawyer's face?"

I jumped back, falling off the bed, "Seriously, Ava?!" I crossed my arms like a little kid with tinged pink cheeks. Stiles chuckled at my actions, although I noticed a bright red color plastered on his face just like mine.

"Go to your room, Ava.", my mom scolded. "So, you finally told her, Stiles?"

"W-What?", his eyes widened.

"I wasn't born yesterday, I know that you two have had feelings for each other for a while, but neither of you said anything.", she smirked at our dumbfounded expressions.

Stiles stood up, "I actually have to go, but I'll see you later, Sawyer." He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek before muttering a goodbye and rushing out.

"See what you do, mom?! You scare the boys away!"

She adjusted her glasses and made her way out of the room, "Trust me, nothing is going to scare that boy away from you." My heart leaped at her words, and I called Allison to rant about what just happened. The brunette refused to listen to me over the phone, and told me that I needed to come over in a few hours.

"Okay, give me all the details!", Allison squealed, tugging me into her room.

"Okay", I giggled at her excitement. "So, yesterday I was telling...someone about how I'm in love with Stiles, and he was behind me the whole time and I never even noticed! I ran out, but this morning he brought me roses and told me that Lydia was a cover-up, he likes me and not her! Then, he asked me to the Winter Formal, AND WE MADE OUT!" I chose to leave out the fact that I was talking to her ex-boyfriend.

The two of us got into a fit of girly screams while jumping up and down.

"Oh my god, we're such clichés.", my friend snorted, plopping down on her mattress.

My ringtone started blasting from my pocket, "It's him!" Allison mouthed 'answer it' as I picked up the call and put it on speaker. "Hi, Stiles!"

"Hi, Sawyer. Where are you?", he asked over the phone.

"At Allison's house, why?"

"Well, go home because I'm picking you up.", he hung up.

"He sounds pretty eager, you should probably get going.", she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Bye Allie!", I waved, giving her a cheeky grin/

"Don't make babies in his jeep!" I walked out of her house with my cheeks burning for the millionth time today.

"What the hell do you mean you were in a car chase?!", I shrieked, climbing into the car.

Stiles scratched the back of his neck, "Scott and I kind of got into a car chase with Kate Argent in Derek's camaro."

"What if you got hurt?! Why didn't you tell me?! What if-"

"I'm okay.", he cut me off.

A small smile worked its way onto my face, "There's no room back here!"

Stiles winked, "You can sit on my lap."

"You know there's other people in this car right? The sexual desire in here is giving me a headache.", sourwolf snapped.

I blushed and gave a quick apology to Derek and Scott in the front seat.

"What part of 'laying low' don't you understand?!", Scott groaned.

"I almost had the alpha, but the frickin police showed up!", Derek slammed his fist on the dashboard.

Stiles quickly jumped to the defense of his father, "Hey, they're just doing their job."

The older werewolf shot Scott a pointed look, "Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the state."

"Okay, my friends made a dumbass mistake, but can't we get past that!', I sighed. "How did you find the alpha?"


"Can you just trust us for half a second?!", Scott begged.

"Yeah, all of us!", Stiles added on, but shrunk back because of the glare Derek was throwing our way. "Or just him."

"When Laura came here, she found two things. The first was a guy named Harris.-"

"Our chemistry teacher?!", my Winter Formal date gawked.

"I so called he was evil.", I shrugged, picking at my nails

Scott furrowed his eyebrows, "Why him?"

"I don't know."

"What was the second thing?", Stiles asked.

"A symbol.", Derek unfolded a paper with a familiar design on it.

I put my face in my hands, "I know that symbol."

"You do?", Hale whipped his head around to look at me.

"I've seen it on a necklace."

"Allison's necklace.", Scott finished.

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