Chapter 21- Night School

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Sawyer's POV:

"Can somebody please tell me what's going on this time!", I groaned loudly, struggling to keep up with the two boys on either side of me.

"You'll see.", Stiles grinned madly, and if I do say so myself: it was slightly terrifying. He brought Scott and I outside by some guy's big, and expensive might I add, black car. "Do you have your keys?"

Scott nodded skeptically, bringing them out.

"Alright just hold them up, and whatever happens just think of Allison.", he instructed. I watched with my mouth agape as Stiles dragged his own keys along the side of the nice car, leaving a huge scratch across the entire door. "Woah man, what do you think you're doing!?"

"I-I-I", Scott stuttered out like a deer in the headlights. He didn't even finish before the huge biker dudes who owned the car started pounding Scott's poor face in.

Aw hell no.

I let out a loud battle cry, flinging myself onto the biggest guy's back, trying to cover his eyes. That didn't work too well seeing as I was a scrawny little sophomore going against a beefy biker, WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?! The guy shoved me off with ease, sending me tumbling to the ground.

"SON OF BI- oh hi Mr. Harris.", I waved sheepishly.

"What do you idiots think you're doing?!", he screamed, exasperated.

"Uh sir, I know this is detention and all, but I have have work and I really don't want to get fired.". Scott's voice rang out in the silent classroom. Mr. Harris merely rolled his eyes and went back to his paperwork.

"Sir, I also have a question.", I remarked, gaining his attention once again. "Are you secretly the grinch who stole Christmas?" The evil chemistry teacher glared at me, making me sink back down into my uncomfortable, plastic seat.

"You knew I would heal?", Scott whispered to Stiles.

I butt in, "Yeah, I kind of forgot about that part."

"Yep.", Stiles answered monotonously, popping the 'p', "But Sawyer, next time you try to beat up a biker dude to save his werewolf ass, tell me first. You could've gotten hurt." Stiles's hazel eyes locked on my mine, full of concern. Wow, he was actually scared that I was going to get hurt.

"And this was to teach me control.", Scott continued his interrogation, getting the same stoic response from Stiles. "But also to punish me?"

"Like that wasn't obvious.", I snorted.

The two completely ignored my sarcastic comment per usual, "Stiles, I can't have you being mad at me."

"I'm not mad anymore. Look Scott, whether you want it or not, you have something. You can do things nobody else can do, so that means you don't have a choice anymore. You have to do something.", the normally spastic boy ranted.

"Damn, when did you become a philosopher?", I breathed out.

He threw his head back with disappointment, "You totally just ruined the moment Sawyer, way to go!"

"Welcome!", I grinned cheekily.

"Alright the three of you can leave now.", Mr. Harris grumbled from the front of the classroom.

"Oh, praise the lord!", I hopped up from my seat, rushing out of the room with Stiles as Scott immeadiately rode off to work on his bike. "Could you give me a ride home?"

He gave me a small, yet adorable, smile, "Sure, but only if I can stay at your place, my dad's at the statiom again."

"Why of course Stilinski.", I said in a posh accent, poking one the the moles on his cheek.

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