❝do you hear that? it's the sound of my heart breaking.❞
❝don't be dumb. jeongin's just cracking eggs.❞
hwang hyunjin and kwon areum are friends. they've been best friends for years, but their memories are lost. gone. completely vanished about a cer...
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areum when seungmincomes over it's time to read and b prepared 4 his long ass talks about day6
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hyunjin y my best friend hanging out with a loser view (3) replies seungminhyunjincuz i actually help her with studying hyunjin seungmin i help her too y u there seungminhyunjincuz u were supposed to come over 2day but didn't i'm in replacement 4 u
chan kids study hard to make father proud view (6) replies minhochanew studying sucks chan minhoprobs y u dropped out of school early minhochan maybe areum chanif i get a good grade then u treat me out to food chan areumsmh.. imma become broke cuz of u all areum chanfood is life 😤 wym
UPDATE: it's been three months since my boo ended... wow. thank you for 40k :D i appreciate it a lot. to the new readers, welcome. my boo is currently being edited right now, but you can still read on since the plot will stay the same. — October 12, 2019 9:11 pm