john connor [lemon]

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lol ok so I wanna get this clear Edward was 13 when he was playing John connor so like this is pretty acceptable I mean most people lose their virginity at around 14-16 so let's pretend he's like 14 in this but like whatever.

Y/n pov
"you ready?" John asked jump starting his bike.
"yeah come on" I said impatiently wanting to get away from the arcade.

Jessica (lol is every mean girls name Jessica note to self don't call my child Jessica) was being a bitch like always. I wasn't one of those girls that wore dresses, did her hair everyday, put on makeup and tried to impress boys. I wore jeans (shorts at the most) and just a shirt I never saw the point in dressing up and found it uncomfortable. I only had two friends John and tim. Well I think tim was my friend I never really knew. She was going on how I'm an embarrassment to girls our age and that I only hang out with the boys in hopes of getting sex out of them. I mean I've always been talked to like that from her, it never really bothered me though. But this time Tim was with me when it happened and that made me extremely self conscious when she mentioned the "sex".

John started to accelerate the bike causing a slight jolt and me to tighten my grip around him.
"god I'll never get used to you starting this fucking bike" I chuckled.
he chuckled and smirked and sped up a bit heading to my house.
we got to mine and of course my mum wasn't home probably out drinking or having sex with some random guy she hasn't even spoken two words to.
Me and John walked into my room knowing if my mum was to return pissed and looking to slap someone I'd be able to lock the door.

I sat on my bed and sighed heavily, causing John to look up from my messy desk filled with my drawings I did in my spare time.
"you okay?" he questioned trudging closer to me.
".....John?" I asked my head still down staring at my feet not wanting to make eye contact, with his beautiful brown eyes and - wait no that's your best friend wtf stop!
"mhm" he hummed turning around again to face my desk.
", do you think there's something wrong with me?" I asked quietly still looking down.
"what?" He asked quietly this time turning and walking to about a metre away from me.
", do you think I'm ugly?" I asked taking a quick glance at him and looking back down at my most utterly boring converse.
"what?, why-" he asked cutting himself off
"Jessica wasn't it? She made you feel self conscious rambling on about how you don't wear stupid dresses or care as much about impressing guys huh? That little bitch" he said frustration through his voice.
"(Y/n)...." he said sitting down next to me with his body facing mine.
I looked at him, making eye contact.
"don't listen to her you know all she wants is attention..... and besides, I don't think you're ugly, I don't think Tim thinks your ugly, I-I think you're actually quite pretty. He said the last part quietly almost as if he didn't want me to hear.
I turned my body around facing him.
I looked up and shot him a quick smile before returning to my frown.
"come on" he said opening his arms and wrapping them around my body pulling me closer to him, I rested my face in his neck and mumbled a small
"thank you".

John never gave hugs, he hated giving them to anyone, his real mum, his foster parents, but he always gave me them when I felt down and that thought always made my heart flutter that he thinks I'm important enough to give a hug, one of the things he hated, to a train wreck of a girl.

"I'm always gonna look out for you ok? when I see Jessica next it'll be the last time she's seen alive ok?" he said pulling me in closer and tighter.
I moved my legs and straddled his waist with my legs. I heard his breath hitch but I shrugged it off. I wrapped my arms around him and mumbled
"why do give me hugs if you hate them so much?"
curiosity burning through me.
he chuckled a short laugh and rested his face in my neck
"I don't know I guess, I don't hate them when they're with you..." I stayed in his arms still sitting on his lap for a few moments before pulling back.
I looked into his deep honey hazel eyes he stared straight back into mine.
"John, I need to tell you som-"
I cut myself off when he pulled a loose strand of hair behind my ear and gave a small smile that melted my heart.
"yeah?" He asked looking back at me.
I kissed him. He kissed back instantly we pulled apart wide eyed at each other, overcome with shock of what we've just done.
"I'm-I'm sorry I-" I started when John cut me off laughing.
"what?" I asked.
"(Y/n).... you do realised I kissed you back right?"
"yeah I know that but I'm-" he started laughing again
"What?" I asked frustrated
"I'll give ya a sec to figure out what that means" he said smirking.
"Ugh John im- ohhhhh" I said with realisation sweeping over my face.
"I like you (y/n)" he said quietly still looking at me and smirking.
I didn't do anything except kiss him again, I've craved these lips for so long and wanted as much of it I could get. I ran my fingers through his long brown hair with my other hand slowly sliding down his back.
His hands landed on the back of my neck and my lower waist.
I shifted on him wanting to get closer if that's even humanly possible. A small moan escape from his lips. I quickly realised why, he was getting turned on.
I slowly then pushed him down on the bed the kiss getting more hungry with each second.
We parted and I gently tugged on his lip with my teeth not wanting anything to end.
Both his hands slid down to my waist pulling our bodies together. I tugged back on his hair as he started kissing my jawline and going down my neck.
Small soft grunts and low moans tumbled off my lips as he sucked and nibbled at my neck.
I felt the bulge grow and grow with every second.
I unknowingly started grinding on him and didn't realise until he grunted into my neck.
I pulled my neck away from his lips and went down kissing his neck and collarbone and shoulder. I left hickeys and I'm sure John did too. He then flipped us over so he was on top. Our cores aligned by themselves unknowingly. The tent in his jeans poking at my heat.
He started kissing my neck roughly.
His boner shifting slightly every second was driving me crazy.

"(Y/N!!!)" mY mother yelled thudding up the stairs.
Me and John broke away quicker than lightening. Not even aware of what we were doing. He quickly ran and locked the door.
We were still panting.
Our eyes widened when my mother started pounding on my door.
John now sat next to me panting and I did the same.

After maybe a good 5 minutes my mum stopped and I heard the front door slam behind her, while she probably retreated to the bar.

"I like you too john" I looked at him and gave a smirk biting my lip.


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