joey trotta <3

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(Y/n) pov

I was down in the basement that billy discovered early last year when he was bored of pots and pans one day. It was our place all of our friend group hung out to drink, 'entertain' or sometimes even just a private place to vent to each other.

We were all down there just talking hanging out, the guys trying to get me admit who was the hottest out of all of them. I was the only girl in Regis and was sent in with no other choice. I was a troublemaker I got kicked out of every public AND private school in our area leaving, Regis, the boys school, they thought it would 'straighten me out' and 'teach me discipline' or something like that. And it was no secret the guys thought I was 'hot' the amount of flirting they'd do on a daily was completely unbelievable.

Snuffy was holding onto my shoulders shaking me lightly while all the guys crowded round pleading to be told.

"hey guys, looky what I found" billy sung as he pulled a large bottle of vodka out of his bag shaking it slightly.

"tepper you legend" I squealed as I scrambled out of snuffys weak grasp moving over to billy.

"How'd you manage to sneak that in billy?" Joey asked in awe as he took a seat on a crate next to me.

"don't worry bout that Joey, pour the shots" billy said revealing our shot glasses we kept hidden in case anyone came down this dusty basement which I highly doubted.
A shot turned into two that turned into four that turned into more. I stopped after two, not that I was a party pooper but because I hadn't eaten anything since lunch and knew if I got tipsy I'd chuck.

The boys except hank on the other hand had down nearly the whole bottle, they were smashed. Snuffy and Ricardio were climbing on a crate wall trying to get on each other's backs while hank tried to stop them, billy was lying on the floor looking at the ceiling laughing his absolute ass off, Joey still sat next to me trying to start a convo to end up flirting with me again but could barely muster a sentence.

There's a thing when Joey gets drunk, he gets flirty. Not like a casual wink or sweet talk he usually does, not the heavier flirting and compliments the other guys pulled on me, more like let's bang flirty.

Joey started giggling uncontrollably.
"what is it trotta?" I asked smiling at his adorableness.

I've always found Joey cute, he was my fav out of the guys even though I'd never admit it.

"hehe-you're - wEAriNG my shirt" he giggled looking at his white button up shirt I stole from him the night before.
"what are you going do about it Joey?" I smiled at him as he let out soft giggles still. He then stopped giggling eventually still looking at me a smirk appeared on his lips he winked and got up.
He stood behind me and slipped his arms around my shoulders, crouching down to be level with my ear.
"let's go back to our room and I can do something about it" he whispered
"oh god Joey" I laughed
He tightened his grip again lightly
Sending butterflies through me and shivers down my spine his soft alcohol filled voice whispered "let's get out of here" in my ear again.
"Joey, (y/n) I'm going to take these three back to my dorm ok? They need rest" hank said breaking me and joeys moment.
"uhhhh...okay? is billy staying in your room tonight?" I asked slowly.
"yeah if that's ok I don't really wanna make two dorm stops" hank said as he pulled billy up and swung his arm around his shoulder walking out the basement as Ricardio and snuffy followed like lost puppies.
I noticed joeys hands were going down to my waist.
"'re drunk" I said pulling his hands away lightly.
"no I'm not" he slurred clearly drunk.
"ok, let's get you back to the room too" I said standing up and pulling his arm around my shoulder to support his now useless legs.
The whole way back he endlessly flirted and basically begged to have sex with him.

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