☢ And I was all he never knew ☢

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Everything began to crumble around me, leaving me completely stiff and unstable to move in a clutter of my own misery.

How many times must I get hurt to be happy.

I finally thought Zayn would be my safe haven, Zayn was my escape from reality, the life I had been lacking but he didn't see it that way.

I was just a stepping stone to the end of his diabolical plan on winning over Eli.

I couldn't tell which part of me was working the most, the pain in my heart or the hatred in my mind.

I watched Eli walk away, remembering the things I thought of her the first day we met.

She was beautiful and so incredibly adorable... my feelings multiplied so fast I kissed her the same day we met.

Yet I through it all away for a heart breaking boy.

Was it worth it... Is it worth it ?

"Liam!" an angelic voice rang though my ears, interrupting my thoughts. The knot in my heart grew as I turned around.


He stood there, a smile on his face, his hands behind his back and a blush in his olive skinned cheeks.

He had changed so much from the times we first met, he use to only say my name in a mocking manner, he used to only ever have his hands around my neck and my behind his back.

I had changed him ! I had broken his tough exterior !

But had I really ?

I couldn't keep myself from looking at the beautiful boy in front of me with the capability to lie without saying a word, his stature telling you he would never hurt you but always does.

I turn again, tears welling in my eyes, it shouldn't hurt so much, again. the smallest things he does hurt me so much.

He only talked to Eli, but he didn't.

His held her, kissed her forehead and spoke to her like he did me. he treated her like she was all he ever needed and I was all he never knew.

"woah, Liam !" his smile faded into a withering pool of confusion as I began to walk away.

My books slipping out of my back pack and the papers tearing to bits, but not as badly as my heart had been torn.

"Liam! slow down!" he called after me but I dare not turn around.

I take a sharp turn, the echo of his voice beginning to fade.

I opened the door to my next class as he called my name one last time.


I shut the door, and locked it tight.


"Now listen Dimwits! I have reviewed this for the past week and it still seems as though it just won't get through the thick walls on your brains! A negative integer divided or multiplied by a positive integer would equal to a negative product or quotient !" Mr Soto slapped his ruler against the bored.

we all nodded but none of us really listened.

I leaned my head on my arms.

I'v taken this out of proportion, Zayn didn't do anything wrong... right ?

I'm jumping to conclusions and if I keep with my pace I'm bound to trip...

my tongue feels dry and my head is pounding. All this thinking has made me braid dead.

I repeat it in my mind,

"Zayn didn't do anything wrong, Zayn loves you, Zayn would never want to hurt you"

"uh... Mr soto ?" I called.

"what do you want?" he asked agitated.

"may I go to get a drink of water?"

"what's the square root of 64?" he asked.

"8, sir" I answered quickly.

"fine go ahead"

I got up and headed out of the room repeating the words again.

"Zayn didn't do anything wrong, Zayn loves you, Zayn would never want to hur-"

I stop dead in my tracks, my tongue becoming even more dry than before and my heart squeezing to an agonizing tightness, the air is knocked out of me and I feel as though I'm falling.

two people, sharing such an intimate show of affection, directly in the middle of the hall way.

two people I learned to kno so well and see so often.

two people named Zayn and Eli share a kiss before my very eyes.

Zayn's lips pull away.


Burnt Cigarette {Ziam} (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now