One of Those Cats On YouTube (end)

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"wow... tires me out just thinking about that" Zayn giggles.

"I know, I thought I was going to lose you" A breath gets caught in my throat as I confess.

"no, Liam... even if I had lost too much blood that day, even if she hit me 4 inches closer to my heart... even if I died on those wooden floors... you would never lose me ok ? "

I nod my head slowly, holding his hand in mine, tapping my finger to the all too familiar rhythmic sounding heart monitor.

it's been a week since the horrid event, Zayn is healing rather well in his homey hospital bed and it makes me happy to see him so alive lately, the glow I'm always glad to see on his face is evident on his blushy cheeks and squinting eyes.

"I'm sorry for the constant hospital visits" even if he looks so happy lately, I apologize nonetheless.

he chuckles "it's alright, I like being pampered, and they said my leg only needs 4 more months, and it'll be perfectly healed."

I smile at the progress, the thought of his leg snapping like a twig still is imprinted in my mind.

"right after this thing is all cleared up, when my leg is healed and my wounds are all patched up and maybe if you finish your college courses while we are here in Austin then... we can finally piece this all together, get ourselves an apartment, work on our futures, it'll be perfect"

he nods.

"alright, love. let's just focus on getting you all fixed up... I hate seeing you like this"

"don't! I actually feel great, like things are coming together, We got rid of Myrah! sure it came with a cost but it will be worth it."

it surprises me how cool he is with this whole situation, but why ruin his fun.

I bend down and kiss his forehead, going to sit in the green knitted couch in the corner.

3 months later


"what did you just say?" Zayn laughs behind me.

I had heard him shuffling in on his crutches, he's gotten very handy with them, he can actually open a door with them if he focuses hard enough !

so let's sum it up, I know you're going to be mad at me for not including this part in the story but... me and Zayn got an apartment!

we didn't want to stay in Austin but we didn't want to go to Wolverhampton either, so we got a place new, where we wouldn't run into any complications


it has 2 bedrooms and a living room with a connected counter we use as our kitchen, the floors are all wooden just like I had always wanted and there's a center piece in the living room that has an all brick wall that Zayn has always wanted.

it's the perfect apartment for us.

he bends over my chair and watches my hands trace over the paper with my pencil, working out the problem with ease.

I finish and look at him trying to register what I just did.

"and that's why I dropped out!" he laughs, plopping himself on the bed.

I'm still in school, taking on line courses for the college in Austin while here in Cheshire, but Zayn just couldn't stay, college made him miserable so he dropped out, but he got a job as an assistant at the animal shelter, he loves it there and even has this black pit bull he named Slick. he tells every one it has no meaning... but only we know the true meaning behind Slick's name.

I place my pencil down and lay beside him on the bed.

I look down at his leg and he follows my eyes.

"does it still hurt?"

"nah!" he smiles.

"good" I chuckle as I pounce on top of him, kissing his lips, leaving him in total surprise.

he bursts out in laughter, interrupting the kiss.

"what?" I pout.

"you looked like one of those cats on YouTube ! behahahahha ah !! your face!"

I plop beside him, pouting my lip out like a child.

"hey Liam"

"yea, Zayn?"

"I love you"

"I love you, too"


now it really is the end 😭😭😭 thank you guys so much for the thrill of this book and I hope I didn't disappoint you with the sucky ending.

I love you all so much and even if the book is over Ziam always lives on !!

I didn't want make it really cliche and make them get married and have like 17 kids cuz how many fanfictions end in marriage 😂 AmIRiiiiiight!!

I'm fanta clause 🍺 (<- that's not beer, it's fanta) I hope you enjoy this Christmas present and hoe hoe hoe !!!!!

lastly signed -


ok WAIT!!!!

how many of you want a sequel ? hahaha leave comments !!!! I'll think about it if enough people want a sequel 😄😄😄😄

now literally lastly -

- bri

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