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Tilting back on her heels a figure stands staring down awkwardly. Blue, white and tan greet her. 

Shifting, Her head looks over her shoulder-no bulges or strain on the fabric. Everything fitted perfectly; she fingered the shirt slightly. It felt nothing of cotton and the white flowed over blue at an angle and her jeans slowly thinned into little tan boots.

Feeling a shift on her head, she reached up and repositioned the tan hat.

(E/C) met (E/C) as she stood staring in her reflection.

It felt...odd-off to be dressed in normal clothes.

Well, in clothes fit for public activities.

The thought of even leaving the house was horrifying.

One of her hands gripped her forearm and squeezed.

She was not in the least eager to leave.

All to obssessed with a need of a distraction, her eyes traveled to the bags he gave her.

The amount of thought was simple. Half of the articles were plain while others held small details or full blown patterns.

A couple weeks worth of combinations in three bags.

Leaving the clothing aside, her mind wandered off.

How did he find a store?

Where did he get the money?

Tan- her eyes found their way back to her shoes.

Swallowing she fidgeted before turning from the mirror.

Though, she was sure she wouldn't never wear those clothes out of her home, she would at least show him how the clothing he chose turned out.

Clearing the hall she absentmindedly found herself near the couch.

"Well...ah, thank-you."

"Not needed, at least for the  meantime."

The shifting of fabric and the shinning blonde stood and walked walked past her.

"Keys are on the table."

(E/C) glanced at his back then towards the table. True enough a key rested there.

The clicking of the door alerted her to her current status.

She was standing in her living room alone.

Did he wish to leave permenately?

He didn't as she had heard not that long ago, require a thanks at the moment. While knowing that she still wanted to repay her, debt in some form.

After all, she of all people knew that whwn you recieved helped they always wanted something.

He couldn't be an exception. That qould defy everything she had experienced so far.

So what could he want?

Moving swiftly, she grabbed the key and rushed after him.

Making sure to lock the door behind her. She doubted she would be using that door for long.

After all, it was broken more often than not.

"He-Hey! Wait please!"

Her breath came in huffs, considering how she was forced to be a shut in, the short jog she took to get in ear shot of him, drained her.

"Um, h-"


'Oh, I get it...ruse of me to call him hey huh?'

Clearing her throat she tried again. Her hands entwined in feont of her as she turned her eyes towards the ground.

"...Gilgamesh, it does not sit well with me, owing you. Please tell me you've gone through the trouble to assist me?"

'Polite enough right? I dont think it sounded like I was ungrateful.'

" I see."


She caught his sigh, and with it she turned to glance his way.

His red eyes glanced tbrough then turned to the path on front of them.

"We're taking a walk."

'So he won't tell me?'

The silence settled in with a calming breeze. The feeling almost foreign.

A very calming day, she couldn't help but feel, normal even though her head was yelling other wise.

She shouldn't be out and about. It only made it easier for them to get her.

Glancing around her, she took everything in. Her eyes revealing a pretty world filled with many ugly people.

Not every person will be nice juat as not everything you see in nature is nice.

To her, everything was ugly, not in appearance but personality.

'Can I really say that about Gilgamesh...I'm sure he has his ugly side as well, but...'

Glancing in his general direction she closed her eyes and sighed.

'I can't...that wouldn't be nice of me to judge him, I dont have a right...he's helped me when I didn't even ask.'

Clearing her throat, she looked towards the canopy of trees.

'I know next to nothing about him.'

"Gilgamesh, the...the place you came from what was it like?"

' "People..... eyes the-re?"... Precarious woman. '

" Quiet, still, not as cluttered as this world while those are much appreciated traits, there was nothing to do."

Water and a clear sky breezed through her mind.

The sight was peaceful, drapping a pebble wouldn't be able to cause any ripples that would ruin it.

Blinking her eyes slowly, the sight of a road reached her view.

And for a moment she hesitated.

"Do you dislike this world that much?"

Flinching her eyes now focused on his back.

His question prodding an answer.

" would I like it here?! All they do is make me suffer!"

"Your not the only one."

He resumed his pace leaving her to trot after him.

Glancing through the corner of his he could the light in her eyes.

They were a little more normal.

She wanted to debate perhaps, even prove him wrong.

She stumbled in her initial response to him. She didn't really hate the world, she disliked it but didnt hate it. The girl, was merely afraid.

A fear he was becomming all to eager to eliminate. He was becoming curious.

Who was she supposed to be, without their self inclined hatred?

"The world is unfair, there are others who suffer and have suffered just as you. You hating this world is merely a childs tantrum."

"I'm not wrong-"

"Oh, but you are. You hate the world both them and people similar to you and others who are undeserving of your...judgement."

Glancing down she frowned.

'I....didn't think, about the people who are nice or the people like me.'


"You haven't done anything, you merely lack what others have."

"And that is?"

'He's not gonna tell me is he?'

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