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She found herself question the purpose of this walk.

Every so often the would stop to look at something.

And occasionally, he would enter a store to take a look around.

Blinking slowly, she smiled to herself.

'He must be exploring the city...I wish I could show him around but I don't know much about it myself.'

Briefly, her feet picked up pace as she treated closer to him. Her eyes glancing around, familiarizing the area.

For the first time, she caught the glances of those around her...they were not friendly, nor aggressive.

The gazes seemed to be more of those you would throw at someone who was a repeat offender at a store.

Swallowing, (E/C) focused on other things, such as the buildings and street names.

The new focus helped to take her mind off of the new sensation of several stares on her form.

Sighing softly she had hoped Gilgamesh would absorb most of those stares however it would seem once they noticed him the stares only grew on her.

This will not bold well if some of the younger group of assailants decided to act.

The older well, the adults would only scorn and that was only those who chose to take notice of her.

Focusing her eyes on Gilgamesh's figure she, hoped they wouldn't run into a group of them.

However, she was denied her wish. A group of four girls all four she knew from her previous attacks from last year were walking towards them on her side.

And unfortunately for her...they noticed her.

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