Gg Rocky.

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Monika: ...cupcakes it is, then.


Natsuki: Don't just stand there!


Rocky: That was the point Mugs.

Ink: *he nods with a slight blush on his face* yes! I will!

Rocky: Anyway, *She lazily floats in the air* what's up Rocky here and back there is Eliver. I don't do much, but she's super DETERMINED. Catching species is part of a mythcial's life,

Kiara: *She points at Ava, then Jasper then the group behind her* -_-

Rocky: They're all exceptions for a few good reasons. *looks specifically at Kiara, noticing something off about her presence* I gotta let ya know don't mess with my sis. If she gets hurt by your hands I'll be here to...make you pay for your stay so how about ya just play nice? *She looks at the three* but. Eh. While she's a species hunting fanatic

Kiara: {mind: you:re a complete lazy ass}

Rocky: I, could care less. To much work. Speaking of which. *She down at even turn around* Here she comes now. Go on through this gate. Ain't gonna stop anybody. El made the doors to side ta stop 'em. *She chuckles a bit, as the others walk through, she then flies alongside Kiara* Alright before Eliver gets here and screeches hide behind that conveniently shaped bush over there.

Kiara: *She stand there* ...

Rocky: ...or not...? Wow you really wanna see El don't ya? *The three nod* Ok then!

Me: *She stomps over stopping in front of Rocky, Icicle dining around her feet. She crosses her arms thumping her paw on the ground* Rocky! Did you find those species??

Rocky: Uh-

Me: *She inhales* Listen to me Rocks! I must capture those species even if it takes me all night and all day! So now I'm off again to test my puzzle setups, and you should do the same so please follow this way! *She turns and walks the other way*

Rocky: Welp, she didn't even notice ya.

Kiara: I'm sensing a pattern with her.

Rocky: Hey. You watch what ya say 'bout my sister, Reflection.

Kiara: *they start walking the other way, before turning at the sound of Rocky's voice*

Rocky: Hey. It'd make my sis really happy if she saw a human it'd really help if you kept pretending to be one. *they continue walking, and Rocky stays back*

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