Dr. Flug: ... {Mind: Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, and Monika... Will I really enjoy spending my days with these girls, In the Literature Club...? I guess i'll just need to make the most of my circumstances, and hope that good fortune comes.... That starts with writing a poem tonight... That can't be too difficult....}
Sans: *Squeak of embarrassment* Nuuuuuu!
Mugman: Oh, Bendy and Honey would be- Wait, what was that first one...??
A/N - I had this weird dream last night, that a third floor appeared in my house, and you were living there.... And I had to hide you from everyone else in the house... Then my mum found you and shouted "THAT DAMN WALRUS AGAIN!!" Pulling out a bucket of soap, throwing the soap at you. Then we both jumped out the window, and pathetically tried to do back flips, despite face planting very many times. ... Dreams are weird XD

QFTS 11 : Lies hide our Truth
ComédieYOOOOOOOOO you already know this is being continued!!!! This is a series made by the all wonderful undertalelover18a and XxEliverxX at the helping! Warning: uhh there's some sexual content in here...just warning you XD By "Some", she means a lot XD ...