Willen: UWAA---! *he opens his eyes seeing Sayori's face filling his vision. He nearly falls out his chair*
Natsuki: *a blush spreads across her face* ---! D-Don't just say that! *She crosses her arms, looking away* You'll make me feel weird about it! *She scoots and inch away from him*
Kiara: *She watches seeming amused by what was happening*
Sea Tea: ?! *Despite knowing Frisk may kill her, she looks at Crystal River* Hey can you bring me over to Frisk please?
Crystal River: Are you sure?
Sea Tea: Yes! Very!
Crystal River: Eh...I dunno...
Sea Tea: ugh! Fine! *She climbs off of Krynn, then tumble rolling over to Frisk* Frisk?! What's wrong?! Frisk c'mon and speak to at least me!

QFTS 11 : Lies hide our Truth
HumorYOOOOOOOOO you already know this is being continued!!!! This is a series made by the all wonderful undertalelover18a and XxEliverxX at the helping! Warning: uhh there's some sexual content in here...just warning you XD By "Some", she means a lot XD ...