200????? HOW?!?!?!?!

24 0 3

Dr. Flug: The teachers here aren't really the brightest of the bunch... *Nervous laughter*


Yuri: Woah! C-Calm down! They won't find us here. I swear...


(That was a bit anticlimactic XD)

Sayori: Well, you two don't despise each other, so that's a great start!


Error: L-Look, Ink... I.... I trust you. A-And you're probably the only person that I don't glitch out on when they touch me, s-so..... A-As long as you're comfortable with it....


Sans: Pfft! Nice.

Bendy: *His eyes light up with excitement, and he starts to laugh a bit*

Boris: *He smiles at the fact that Bendy's actually laughing*

Cuphead: *He smiles a bit* Alright. This guy's cool.

A/N - Wow. 200th chapter, again! Like... WOW. That one went by fast XD

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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