Monika: Oh yeah! We're gonna be making cupcakes, and reading our poems! Though...Yuri said she wanted to talk to me about something...but I was to busy to see what it was...I'll have to ask later.
Alice: I'm a Toon!
Ink: *He licks Error's teeth for entrance*
Anon: *The drag the Anon away* prriiiivvvaaaccccyyyyy!!!!
Rocky: Hm, if I did maybe I should loan you some. You seem to lack a lot of those. (OHHHHHHHH XD) anyway, I do know someone who could probably figure out who did it.
Anon:But can't you like...analyze it or somethin???
Rocky: Analyzing takes energy, energy is what I'm working right now. So two options. 1. let everyone die form God knows who or 2. find my friend and figure out who did it so we can stop 'em. Your pick.
LJ: *He continues his funny dance then spins around and throws candy in the air* HAVE SOME CANDY!

QFTS 11 : Lies hide our Truth
ComédieYOOOOOOOOO you already know this is being continued!!!! This is a series made by the all wonderful undertalelover18a and XxEliverxX at the helping! Warning: uhh there's some sexual content in here...just warning you XD By "Some", she means a lot XD ...