They're gone.

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Willen: If you ever buttoned it, you would have noticed sooner that it doesn't fit you anymore.


Natsuki: ••••°°°°•••••°°°•°°°•••°°°°•••°••••°°°•••°••••••°°°°•••°•°•°•°•°°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°°•°• (I didn't know what to do for that XD)


Sea Tea: *She continues rolling then tumbles down the wrong path* aw dangit! *She sits up, then seeing Frisk* Frisk! *She rolls over* Frisk I'm so glad I found y- *She looks at Five, Four, and Cup~Cake* w-wha...what...happened...?


Six: [Seven where's Five and Four?

Seven: *he seems confused* Weren't they with you?

Six: *She shakes her head becoming fearful, frantically signing* [N-no! I thought they were with you!]

Seven: You lost them?!

Six: [I never had them!]

Mama: *She looks around frantically* Cup~Cake? Cup~Cake where have you gone?

Tattletail: *He looks around too*

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