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Dr. Flug: L-Look. I'm not... We were sort of sent here by mistake... We're just doing our job, and trying to find a couple of people. I'm being honest, Monika. 


*The house is dead silent*

Yuri: *She takes Alice's hand, going upstairs, to her room, then wiping the Ink from Alice's face* There you go... Are you okay? You didn't get hurt, right...?


Sayori: I guess we just wait then!


Error: *His eyes change to hearts, before he covers his face. Again...* <Muffled: Ink... I-I'm in heat~.....> 


Flowey: *He takes the balloon animal, smiling. Then looking towards the Anon* Also, it can represent gays, but it also represents equality. Which, I take quite a liking to.....

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