Willen: Fine, fine..it's a deal.
Monika: mhm! I like it Dr. Flug!
Rocky: Ok! Ok! Let's ju- *She stops, when she hears a sorta scream* Eliver. *She teleports everyone to a puzzle*
Me: HOW DID YOU?! WHAT?! *She is confuzzled*
Kiara: ...it was easy.
Me: *She sees Rocky and puts her paws on her hips* THERE YOU ARE YOU LAZY FELINE!
Rocky: El what are you doing?
Me: Human-Ki was doing my puzzle! I don't understand how she got past it though! I was sure I made it impassable.
Kiara: *She smiles* I'm just very good at puzzles!
Me: Yes yes of course human! *She sees Frisk* Human- uh...number 2! *She hugs them, then sets them down* Wowie! I need more puzzles! RIGHT! I SHALL BE BACK! CONTINUE FORTH ONLY IF YOU DARE! NYA HA HA HA! *She runs off*
Ava: Ki! *She hugs her, Jasper just standing there because he doesn't want to be teased by Bendy and Sans*
Jasper: *he smiles, and waves*

QFTS 11 : Lies hide our Truth
HumorYOOOOOOOOO you already know this is being continued!!!! This is a series made by the all wonderful undertalelover18a and XxEliverxX at the helping! Warning: uhh there's some sexual content in here...just warning you XD By "Some", she means a lot XD ...