Chapter 10

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- Kadavo

Anakin searched the entire planet and there was no sign of Obi-Wan. Anakin sighed, then proceeded to bang his fist on the speeder he had been riding around the planet on. Why couldn't he find Obi-Wan? He couldn't have disappeared into thin air.

"Master... maybe Master Kenobi was taken, but he was taken by another slaver?" Ahsoka suggested. "No," Anakin snapped. "That's not possible. Obi-Wan wouldn't allow himself to get caught so easily."

Ahsoka frowned. "But if Master Kenobi was, indeed, captured, that would be the only option I could think of, considering he was here, which is a slave facility. Besides, suppose Master Kenobi was taken by another slaver, don't you think trying to look on the other Outer Rim planets would be a good place to start?" she asked.

Anakin growled as he turned to Commander Cody. "Cody, keep those scouts out there looking. I'm not giving up. He's here..." he said, frustration flooding its way into his words. "With all due respect, General, I'm afraid that I have to agree with Commander Tano on this one," Cody stated.

Ahsoka gave the Commander a slight smile and Cody acknowledged it with a small nod. Skywalker's hands turned into fists. "Fine. We'll go to Tatooine first, but don't expect me to be happy about it," he growled, storming off towards the Twilight.

Ahsoka sighed. "Do you know what's wrong with the General, Commander?" Cody asked. Ahsoka looked up at the Commander. "From what Master Obi-Wan told me on Kiros, my Master was a slave before he was a Jedi, so this whole deal of trying to track the slavers that have Obi-Wan has him on edge..." Ahsoka replied.

Cody nodded slightly. "I see... Well, good thing he now has two pairs of eyes looking out for him," he said, giving Tano a small smile, though it couldn't be seen under his helmet. Ahsoka smiled back, then headed off in the direction her Master had gone.


- Kadavo

Working on the Twilight, Anakin watched as Ahsoka approached him. He gave her a small smile. "Hey, Snips..." "Hey, Master." Anakin swallowed hard. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier... I-" Ahsoka held up a hand.

"It's all right, Master. I understand. Working with these slavers is an upsetting experience for you. They have Master Obi-Wan, your friend, in a situation that still scars you. It's common to be upset by something like this."

Anakin sighed, then gave his Padawan a small smile. "You know, I don't say it enough... but I'm glad I took you on as a Padawan," Anakin said, then smirked. "Even if you are out of control." "Hey! That's your own fault! You're supposed to be my example, I'm only doing what you do!" Ahsoka shot back with a laugh.

Anakin laughed, then smirked. "Come on, enough fooling around. Let's go get Obi-Wan back." "Right!" Ahsoka said with a grin as the two boarded the Twilight.


- Kadavo

"All wings check-in," Anakin said, pressing a couple of buttons and flipping some switches as his squadron of wings checked in. When the last one had finally reported in, Anakin gave Ahsoka a thumbs up. Ahsoka nodded. "Prepare for the jump into hyperspace," she ordered.

While he waited, Anakin counted down the seconds. "Five... four... three... two... one..." "Ready for jump, Sir," came Cody's voice. "Permission to jump?" Anakin smirked. "Permission granted, Commander," he replied, pulling the hyperspace lever and off the ships went.

I'll find you this time, Master... I promise...


- Tatooine

"Come, slave!" Aaron yelled, grabbing the elder Twi'lek by the arm. That made Kenobi snap. They can hurt me... they can humiliate me... they can take my lightsaber... but I will not allow them to rip a child away from their mother.

"Leave her alone!" Kenobi shouted. Aaron looked towards Kenobi. "Or what, slave?" he asked, bringing out an electro-whip. Obi-Wan's eyes flinched in fear, but his stance did not falter. "You leave me no choice, slave scum..." Aaron growled, raising his whip. What happened next, Kenobi did not expect.

Obi-Wan watched as Kadavo once again flashed before his eyes, as instead of punishing Obi-Wan himself, Aaron swung his whip and brought it down on the back of Numa's mother. "NO!" Obi-Wan shouted, eyes wide. "NO! No, no, leave her alone! Please!" he begged, falling to his knees. "Please, Master... leave her alone and let me pay for my mistake..."

Sailor paused for a moment, considering what Kenobi had said. "All right, slave..." he agreed. But I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it to keep my fine specimen of a slave in perfect tact for selling," Aaron added with a greedy smirk.

He then swung his whip and brought it down upon Kenobi's shoulders. Obi-Wan did his best to hold back any cries for help or yells of pain. As quick as it had started, it was over and Aaron was taking Numa's mother by the arm and dragging her away from her child.

Numa's eyes filled with tears as she reached out. "MAMA!" she shouted, hopping off the wagon as she tried to follow her, but Baku stopped her, harshly grabbing her wrist, and loading her back on the wagon. When Aaron was finally out of sight, Kenobi looked at the driver of the wagon with a crying Numa curled up next to his leg.

Baku, the driver, looked towards Kenobi. "You better behave," he said, then went back to the front of the wagon and climbed up onto the wagon seat. "Hiyah!" he exclaimed, flicking the reins, and off they went towards Sailor's house.

I've got a bad feeling about this... Kenobi thought, holding Numa close.


- Tatooine

When they arrived at Aaron's home, Obi-Wan looked upon it in awe. They rode through a big metal gate, straight towards the giant mansion—which Obi-Wan guessed was Aaron's home—until they took a hard right.

Kenobi almost fell over at the sudden turn but stood his ground. He watched as, instead of being brought into the mansion, they were brought towards what looked to be the stable. Could it be possible that this is where we are to sleep...? Obi-Wan thought.

That thought was soon answered when Baku pulled the wagon to a stop inside the stable and walked around to the back of the wagon. "Out," he growled. Kenobi didn't hesitate and hopped out of the wooden vehicle, held out his arms, and watched as Numa jumped into them. Kenobi smiled slightly, then Baku spoke.

"You two," Baku started, pointing at Obi-Wan and Numa. "Stalls for sleep," he said, pointing towards two empty stalls. Baku then turned to unhitch the Eopie as Obi-Wan took Numa's hand. "Chini, Numa..." Obi-Wan said quietly, walking towards the stalls with her.

He settled for the cleanest one and sat down with Numa curled up in his lap. "I was still going to protect you before, but I'll try even harder to protect you now..." Obi-Wan whispered.

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