Chapter 17

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- Mandalore

Kenobi sat in shock for a moment wondering how to respond. How does one react when they're expelled from the Jedi Order? Well, Kenobi, after getting over his shock, began doing what he did best as The Negotiator. He asked questions.

"Pardon me, Master Windu, but why, exactly, am I expelled?" he asked. Windu's eyes narrowed darkly. "There's a list of reasons why, Master Kenobi. You lied to the Order for years, you broke the Code by getting married, broke the Code further by having a child, and now only come clean after weeks of going missing. Is that enough reasons for you?" he asked.

Obi-Wan gulped. He hadn't expected that. It was then, that Satine spoke up. "Master, if I may? I believe you shouldn't be punishing Obi-Wan for his actions as I am the reason he left. If you must, though he is too old, you may take Korkie for Jedi training. Though I do not agree, consider it a way to punish me for Obi-Wan's actions," she boldly stated.

Looking down for a minute in thought, Master Windu eventually raised his eyes back to the Duchess. "Duchess, you do make a fair point. Kenobi," he said, turning his eyes from the Duchess, back to the Jedi in question. "You are given a free leave, no expulsion, no resignation, a free leave from the Order. Consider it a wedding gift from your 'family'. You are welcome to return any time you like. May the Force be with you... always..." With that, the bald Jedi ended the communication.

Obi-Wan's eyes went wide and he turned to Satine, a grin splitting across his face as he stood up and hugged Satine tightly. "I love you sweet, wonderful, amazing woman!" he exclaimed. Satine just laughed as she was spun around by Obi-Wan.


- Mandalore

Weeks later, Obi-Wan was still battered but was able to walk around with the help of a crutch. Today, in particular though, was a special day since he'd be introduced to Satine's sister, Bo-Katan.

"Satine, are you sure I should be meeting her in this condition? I mean, shouldn't I be more presentable?" he asked. His wife just smiled. "Ben, trust me. Bo is hardly one to care about one's appearance and only cares about if they take care of me and if they're loyal," she said matter-of-factly.

No sooner did those words leave her mouth, however, did a figure in Mandalorian armor land in front of them. The figure appeared to be female and was proven such as they removed their helmet. A woman with short, red hair, green eyes, and freckles, stared with a glare at Kenobi.

"So this is him?" she asked, turning her eyes to her sister. "Yes. Bo, this Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ben, this is my sister Bo-Katan Kryze," Satine stated. "Nice to meet you Jedi," Bo said, reaching out a hand for Obi-Wan to shake.

Obi-Wan re-positioned himself on his crutch, then reached a hand out to grip Bo's. "Pleasure to finally meet the famous sister of Satine Kryze," Obi-Wan said, shaking her hand. "I apologize for not being in better health for our meeting, but unfortunately I had a rough mission recently."

"That's right... You're a Jedi..." Bo replied with distaste. "Former Jedi," Obi-Wan corrected. "I resigned weeks ago." The redhead nodded in understanding. "Quite strange to know that a Jedi and a Mandalorian actually fell in love and got married, considering our people's past," Bo said with a small smile.

Obi-Wan nodded. Just then, Korkie came running up. "Moth- I mean, auntie! I finally have time off classes at the academy to see you!" he said excitedly. Bo-Katan smirked. "I always knew that was your kid, sis. Just never could make the connection of who that father was, but it all makes sense now," she stated.

Korkie blushed a little a being caught slipping on the cover of his true identity. Obi-Wan just smiled and ruffled the child's hair. "Hey!" Korkie exclaimed, fixing his hair back into place. "Who are you, anyway?" he then asked.

"Well, I... Korkie, I'm your father..." he explained gently. Korkie's eyes looked like they would pop out of his head. "You're my dad?!" He turned his wide eyes to his mother. "Obi-Wan Kenobi is my father?!" he asked.

Satine laughed. "Yes, Korkie," Bo smirked. "I'll leave you all to your family reunion," she said, then put her helmet on and flew off with her jet-pack.


- Mandalore

Though Obi-Wan's physical and internal wounds were gone, his mental wounds were still there, and every night, he'd get nothing but nightmares...


- Tatooine

He felt himself being jerked forward by the chains attached to his collar. He fell on his face from how hard the tug was. All he could hear as he tried to stand on his own two feet were wolf-whistles, laughter, and shouts.

At that moment, he wasn't sure if there was a moment where he had ever felt more humiliated. There were so many faces... so many with greedy grins, seductive smirks, and humiliating sneers...

"Look at the Jedi dog!"

"The Jedi are weak as ever!"

"Look at the Jedi! Not so modest and hiding behind all those layers now, are you?"

He could hear more and more comments being said, but it was the touching, the disgusting touching that made him most uncomfortable. Someone came up onto the stage and touched his arm. "Please... leave me alone..."

Someone came up from behind and wrapped their arms around his neck. "Please... stop it..."

Someone came up and began running their fingers through his hair. "Please... don't do that..."

But someone... someone had their hands where they didn't belong. That was the last nail in the coffin. "NO! STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!" He felt his heel collide with the bone of the person's jaw, his fist make its mark on someone's nose, his nails tear into the soft skin of cheeks and his teeth make contact with the skin of someone's arm.

He then began trying to turn for the exit of the auction tent, until some grabbed the chain connected to his collar and pulled him back. The next thing he knew someone was trying to force themselves on him. "LET ME GO! DON'T YOU DARE! NO! NO, GET AWAY FROM ME!"

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