I'm A Leader, Not a Follower

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Author's Note: About time I stopped shipping. I'm joking, I still love Abeshiya but I did say some stories weren't going to include shipping. StarSong is my signature since I don't want people to know my name. Any pictures, subtracting the cover of the book, are mine. If you want to use it, ask me first. Also, I drew a picture to go with it! This picture is how Ashiya looks. Yes, ears, tails, you get the picture.

Agony ran through his veins as he felt himself hit the wall. His breathing labored, blood dripping from his wounds, he carried a staff, glowing a dark blue hue.

"Ashiya Hanae. The spirit animal, I thought you would follow my footsteps. You used to love following me when you were younger..." a shadow whispered, red eyes glistening in the gradually darkening room.

Ashiya crumpled to the floor, his feathery wings stained with the opponent's and his own blood, as he got up, eyes shimmering with a deep blue flame.

"I'm a leader, not a follower."

Charging at full speed, Ashiya leapt up, and aimed his staff directly at the booming shadow. It lighted, and quickly shot the shadow a few meters away, violently smacking it against the wall. Taking his stance, Ashiya hit the bottom of the staff against the floor, a blue aura spiraling out and away of it, blowing gusts of wind in the area. It send huge waves of blue light directly at the shadow, Ashiya gritting his teeth as the wind blowed. He flattened his ears as he heard the ear splitting screech from the shadowy figure.

"So, even without your armor you're still strong."

Ashiya's silence was enough of an answer. He put his right hand in front of him, and closed his eyes. He turned to the shadow, opened his eyes, igniting them with a rush of blue flame.

"I can upon the light of day,
Where enemies will always pay,
In the darkness where they seek,
Their chances of hope, will be bleak,
Shrouded in this unforgiving fog,
It shall die, in the smog,
In the darkness where they shall be,
Just kill them, and make them free!"

The shadow once again shrieked with agony as it dissipated, Ashiya breathing heavily. He settled into a corner, eyes glaring at where the darkness once stood.

"I'm the spirit animal of sincerity, and I yet chose to kill..... but....."

Words of his past friends floated in his head,"Those who choose to kill as a first are no better than the worst."

Ashiya had never wanted the creature to die. He never wanted it upon anyone. Looking up in the sky, the sun had set, and it reflected his gaze. He clenched his fist, still slightly coated in blood.

"I will be a leader. I am not a follower."

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