✘Chapter 1✘

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Yep,  all the names and sayings that are said to me. Every time I walked through the halls of this Hell hole. I don't see Why I get called names though. I'm as good as anyone in this shit hole, just cause I look different doesn't mean anything.

Henry Tate High school.

It was supposed to be a gifted school yet most of these students are dumb ass fuck. It's not my fault, I tell it how it is. I know, you're probably thinking "How can you call them dumb ass fuck yet you get mad when they call you names?" You see, there is a difference,  I keep comments to myself.

As I walk down the hall to my locker, I noticed a couple of girls standing by my locker.

Great, it's Megan and her bitch brigade. Nice welcome to school on a Monday morning.

I arrive at my locker and wait for them to move.

"Wow girls, look what the cat dragged in." Megan says and they start to laugh.

"Haha, nice. Look, can you move out of the way of my locker?  It's to early for this shit. " I ask shifting from one foot to the other.

"Oh, is Ms.Frankie getting pissy?" Asked bitch #1.

"Yeah, and she's about to slap your non existent boobs into your flabby ass thighs. " I hissed at her balling my fist.

"I don't have thunder thighs,  do I Meggy? " she asked. I roll my eyes.

" Who the fuck cares?! Get out of my fucking way!!" I yell, catching attention from everybody,  including the principal. He walks over and stops by me.

"Is there a problem here? " he asks.

"No principal Finley, we were asking about math homework. We'll be on our way." Megan says walking away with her 3 followers.

I roll my eyes while putting in my combination.

"Dakota,  I told you if you were getting bullied, then you need to tell me." Mr.Finley stated.

I roll my eyes. If I keep doing that they're gonna get stuck in my head.

"I'm fine, I have to get to class" I say, closing my locker with my Science book in hand.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later Ms.  Samuels"

"Sure" never gonna happen "I'll talk to you later" I say walking to my Science class.


As I sit in the back of the class with my head down, I suddenly hear the empty chair beside me move. I'm about 2 seconds away form slapping a bitch. I look up,  getting ready to snap but held my tongue, it was my science teacher.

"How are you feeling today Dakota? "she asks.

I frown, Why would she asked me that?

" I'm fine, you?"

"I'm fine, Thanks for asking. So, I came over here to ask you something actually." Said Mrs. Robinson

"Okay, I'm all ears." I say

"Well, how would you like to get a science partner to help you with your science exams." she said hesitantly, peering into my eyes.

"I don't know, all the students here--" but before I could finish,Mrs. Robinson said something, cutting me off.

"It's not any of the students in school.!! You would be study with me nephew. His name if Cooper. Think about it. Kay?" she asks standing up.

"I will,  thank you " I say

after she leaves I lay my head down on the table and drift into pitch darkness:,,

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