✘Chapter 2✘

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I'm woken up by the bell ringing.

"Homework is A 5 paragraph essay about the topic of,Do you believe in the center of the Earth. That will be all class, see you Monday." said Mrs. Robinson.

I pack my things and slowly make my way out of the science class.

As I walk down the hall, I noticed people are staring at me and whispering. Now, I know you're thinking, they always talk about you. This was different though, they had a look of..... concern.

I make is back to my locker and as I open it, I hear screaming.

I turn to the left and see, a flame coming out of our Chemistry lab.

"Someone call 9-1-1!!"

"Someone tell the principle! "

"Someone go in and help!!"

That's all I heard from every body until I heard the fire alarm go off and the students started exiting the building.

Someone has to help,... I can't do it.. I try to make a swift exit until I heard the most heart breaking thing.

"Someone please save me?" it sounded like a little girl, but the sound was muffled.

"Dakota get out of the building now!!" said my principal walking briskly towards me.

I look between the two, save whoever is in the burning class or follow my principals instructions and leave the building.

By the time my principal made it to me, I was still debating on what I should do.

"Goo!!" he yelled at pushing me towards the exit. I couldn't move though, I was frozen. I couldn't let them burn to death, their families would be devastated if they knew someone could have helped but didn't.

"Dakota, so help me God! If you do not leave I'm go--" but he couldn't finish because before we knew it, the class room door flew off the hinges towards us. I don't know Why but my instinct was to protect him. So I did the most stupid thing ever and jumped in from of him. All I could think was "Let the door burst into flames."

As I waited impact,.... I didn't feel a thing. I look but, the door was gone. I looked around and it wasn't laying on the ground.

"What in the hell?" I say to myself.

As I said that, reality came back to me. I turn to say something to the principal but I see him running down the hall. So much for, "NO Child Left Behind."

I look in the burning class, now or never.

I drop my bag and run Into the class. I was immediately engulfed in the smoke. The fire had spread and the ceiling was burning with an angry green color. I look around the class to see if i can find the kid who asked for help.

As I make a step towards the closet, the floor beneath me begins to shake and crack,.

"This day gets better and better." I say.

I slowly try to take a step back but I hear the voice again except it sounded stronger.

"Don't you dare leave!"

I didn't know what to do.

"The floor is going to cave into the basement. Where are you?" I ask the voice.

"I'm right where you want me to be." said the voice.

"This isn't a time for some riddle shit. You want to live or do you want to die?!" I scream.

"Sometimes you have die in order to start living" the voice whispered.

I have to.. they expected me to.. Hell No.

"Well in that case I'd rather live without dieing by being burn into ash." I say

"You won't die, just step a little closer." the voice said.

I feel my feet complying with the voice. As I step I feel the floor crack at my feet.

"OH SHI-" before i could finish, the floor gave and I'm falling into the basement with the voice saying,

"Once you die, you will live."

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