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I fucked up.
I REALLY fucked up.
I REALLY, REALLY fucked up and I don't know how I'm going to get out of this one.
How could I do that? What was I thinking?! There's no way I'm going to get out of this. No bloody way!
My mind was racing as I paced around the lounge room of the flat, not believing what I'd just done. How could I be so stupid?!
My heart was beating a million miles an hour, my head was spinning, and I was so close to throwing up it wasn't funny. I had no idea how I was even going to begin explain what I'd done to Freddie.
God, Freddie!
He's going to kill me!
Guarantee he'll never speak to me again after this.
Good job John, you really blew it!
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing again quietly.
He was home.
How the fuck am I going to explain this?!

"John!" Freddie smiled, his hair slightly damp from the rain pouring down outside. "It's raining bloody cats and dogs out there!" He chuckled, shaking his head. He giggled quietly as some water drops fell off his hair while kicking off his boots.

"H-Hey Fred." I awkwardly smiled back. I had no idea how I was going to approach this situation.

"You okay?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face as he hung his coat on the rack by the door. Of course he could pick up on a change in me that easily.  "You look like you've just seen a ghost or something. Good god, please tell me Roger didn't come out here naked again!" He shuddered, earning a small chuckle out of me.

"No, no. He's still keeping that safely hidden away in his room." I replied.

"Oh, thank god! I know we all live here but fucking hell, I don't need to see his cock first thing in the morning!" Freddie laughed, making a face. I laughed too, shaking my head at him. "Now that I've got you laughing, can you tell me what's bothering you love?" He probed, an almost innocent tone to his voice. He knew damn well he'd get what I was thinking about out of me. He always did.
I hated that about Fred. He was amazing at reading people. He knew if you were upset, he knew if you weren't feeling yourself. He just could tell something was wrong.

"It's, it's nothing." I sighed, internally slapping myself for stuttering.

"It's something darling." He said seriously, looking concerned. "How about I make us some tea, and you can spill your guts? Sounds fun, hmm?" He winked, wandering to the kitchen.
I scoffed but smiled a bit too, following him through the doorway to our small kitchen. He already had the kettle boiling and two cups sitting on the counter.
"Now, are you going to tell me what's going on John, or am I going to have to sweat it out of you?" He asked, pointing at me with a teaspoon.

"It's nothing, really." I lied, watching him roll his eyes too.

"Bullshit Deacon." He snapped back. "I know something's eating you up. You look as pale as anything and Lord knows you'd rather spend your time in your room than pacing the lounge, so what's going on?" He asked, looking me dead in the eyes.
Freddie was always intimidating to me.
It wasn't like I was scared of him, but he just always knew everything about someone. It was just another one of his million and one bloody talents. He could get anything out of anyone, and when he stared at you, you knew all your secrets were going to be exposed.

"I-I, I went to see my parents today." I started, watching on as he turned to make our tea.

"And something happened?" He prompted, his eyes never leaving the tea cups.

"Sort of." I answered quietly. I had no idea how I was going to explain the disaster of a time I had over there.

"Sort of?" Fred quizzed, sitting a cup in front of me before taking a seat on the bench, his legs dangling over the side of the counter. "I'm going to need more information than that deary. What's happened?" He questioned, leaning back on the palms of his hands.

"They asked if I was seeing anyone." I sighed, also leaning against the counter. "They always ask if I'm seeing someone. It's like they care more about my love life than their own!"

"At least they're interested in your life John, you don't see mine caring." Freddie shrugged, sipping his tea.
I don't think that was entirely true. Freddie's parents are interested in Queen, they just don't particularly care for his "lifestyle", if you will.

"They care about you Fred, you just never go around to see them." I smirked as he shot me a small glare.

"Weren't we talking about you?" He retorted quickly, not in the mood to dive further into his relationship with his parents.

"I always tell them the truth, "No, not yet."." I explained, watching as his glare softened. "And then I get the questions; "Why? What's wrong with you? Surely you should've found someone by now?!". I'm sick of hearing them!" I groaned, throwing my head back in annoyance.
"I know I'm alone. I know I have nobody. I really don't need it thrown back in my face by my own parents!"

"Do they know?" Freddie questioned. "That you're gay."

"Yes. I told them years ago." I answered truthfully.
That was a WHOLE other situation! "They don't care now, they did back then, but now apparently my love life is their primary concern." I muttered.

"Forgive me love, but I'm not seeing why this is a big issue." Fred said, looking slightly confused. "They love and accept you, I don't see what's got you all twisted up." He shrugged.
He didn't know, but he was about to know.

"This time, I knew the questions were coming, so instead of saying no...I lied. I said I had a boyfriend." I mumbled, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. Here I am, a 26 year old man, lying about having a boyfriend to please his parents! How pathetic!

"You lied?" Freddie fake gasped. "Wow, I never thought little Johnny Boy was capable of telling a lie!" He chuckled, a grin on his face.

"Oh hush up!" I laughed too, giving him the finger.

"Ouch, that was uncalled for Deaky!" He joked, flipping me off back. "Why would you lie though? You shouldn't be ashamed to not have anyone darling. Finding a person takes time, it's not all sunshine and bloody rainbows, trust me." Fred said seriously, a soft expression on his face.

"I don't know why I lied Fred. It just came out." I shrugged, rubbing my face tiredly.

"How'd they take it then?" He asked, downing the rest of his tea.

"They want to meet him." I sighed, annoyed that I even got myself into this mess.

"Meet him?!" Freddie yelped. "Lovey that's not going to end well. You can't introduce your parents to your "imaginary" boyfriend."

"Well, you see, he's not exactly imaginary..." I said quietly, watching as his eyes widened.

"YOU DO HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" He shrieked excitedly, jumping off the counter. "Why didn't you say?! Now I have to meet him too! You must invite him over!" He rambled, not letting me get a word in.

"Freddie! Freddie, calm down!" I said loudly over all the noise. "I'm not seeing anyone."
Fred frowned, losing his excitement and replacing it with confusion.

"I'm not sure I'm understanding." He said, crossing his arms.

"I told them I was seeing someone I already knew." I explained, averting my eyes.
I'm going to sound crazy if I explain this to Fred. He'll think I'm going mad!

"Someone you know?" He mumbled, still looking confused.
"You told them you were dating someone you know? That's either Roger or Brian?" He kept mumbling to himself, trying to figure out what exactly I was on about.
"No, darling I'm still very confused. Who are you dating?" He quizzed, looking like he just tried to work out one of Brian's old physics equations.
I should just tell him. It's not going to go away if I keep it a secret.
I took a deep breath, knowing that once I've said it there was no going back.

"I, uh, I...I told them I was"

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