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*I'm sorry if there's anything in this chapter that doesn't make sense or is worded funny, I literally JUST finished it and wanted to publish it ☺️*

I woke up to the feeling of Freddie's warm hands on my bare chest, him leaning on me as he straddled my waist.

"Good morning." He smiled, an adorable, toothy grin on his face as I looked up at him.

"Hmm. It is a very good morning isn't it?" I smiled back, stretching my arms above my head before resting my hands on his hips. He was wearing nothing but a pair of my pyjama bottoms and his smile, and I wasn't complaining one little bit. He really was beautiful, and he was all mine. "Not that I'm not enjoying this view," I smirked. "but is there any reason in particular you're sat on me?" I asked, squeezing him lightly.

"I'm just enjoying my view." He smirked back, earning an eye roll from me as I giggled.

"You sappy sod." I smiled again, my cheeks feeling slightly rosy.

"Only for you my darling." He winked, leaning down to kiss me. "You know, we never got to finish what we started last night." He mumbled against my lips, pulling back a little while his fingers began to trace down my chest. I hummed in response, my hand moving to cup his cheek as I pressed my lips to his again. Fred deepened the kiss, his wandering hands starting to move lower. "You deserve some pleasure." He whispered sweetly as he fiddled with the drawstring on my pants. I was already rather excited, it had been more than a while since we had the chance to do anything together, and just a look from the older man could get me going!

"Q-Quit teasing and fuck me Mercury." I shivered out as I felt him start to suck at my neck. "F-Freddie."

"All in good time lovey." I felt him smirk against my skin. At this rate I wasn't going to have any fucking time left! He loved teasing, it was something he found a turn on, I'm sure of it. For someone who was more than impatient with other things, he certainly liked the build up before sex. I hated it. There was a time and place for teasing, and if I was ready to go, neither the time nor place was in the bloody bedroom!

"I fucking hate you." I grumbled, wiggling my hips a little under him. Freddie didn't reply, he just kept nibbling at my neck, leaving little marks as he slowly undid my pants.

"There's plenty of time John, be patient." He spoke up, pulling away to look at me. "This is meant to be special." He added, smirking once again.

"I don't want it to be bloody special! I just want you!" I snapped, sending him a look of both slight anger and desperation. Fred cocked an eyebrow at me, looking rather amused at my impatience. Instead of arguing like I thought he would, he leaned down to kiss me again, one of his hands on my cheek, the other sliding into my pajamas. I gasped a little, giving him the chance to deepen the kiss once again.

"WAKEY WAKEY, TIME FOR, AHHHHHH!" Roger screamed, suddenly appearing in the doorway, causing us to pull apart quickly.

"ROGER!" Freddie shouted, turning to glare at him as he pulled his hand out of my pants. "CAN YOU KNOCK?!"

"I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D BE FUCKING! OH JESUS!" Roger yelled loudly, covering his face with his hands. I blushed, my face definitely tomato red as I hid behind my own hands. I can't believe he walked in!

"WELL IF YOU FUCKING KNOCKED YOU WOULD KNOW!" Fred growled, climbing off my lap to stand beside the bed, his arms folded angrily.

"What's all the shouting about?" Brian appeared out of nowhere, looking confused. The majority of his face was now purple and his broken nose was held in place by a small white plaster. I felt horrible! He looked a wreck.

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