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*This isn't my best, but I just wanted to put you all out of your misery! 😂*

"Freddie, sit down. You pacing the bloody hallway isn't going to change how long it takes to run tests." Brian snapped, his eyes trained on the nervous singer as he wandered up and down the length of the corridor.

"Drink your tea Fred." I added from my spot next to the guitarist.

"The blasted thing is cold now." He muttered with a flick of his hand, his eyes still focused on the ground. He was stressing out about John, which was understandable, the woman, Jane I think he said her name was, didn't give much information about what he was being tested for.

"That's because you haven't sat long enough to drink it." Miami spoke up with a smirk, causing us all to chuckle.

"Well, I'm so sorry I'm too fucking worried about my boyfriend to sit and chat with you all!" Freddie snapped angrily, sending a glare towards the whole table.

"I was just joking around Fred, it's alright." Miami said quickly, trying to defuse his rage.

"Whatever." He muttered, turning around before stalking off down the hall again.

"I fucked that up." Our manager scoffed, rubbing his temples tiredly.

"It's not your fault Miami, he's just worried, that's all." I sighed. I was worried too, about both of them. Jane said John was fine, but now that Freddie had in his head that he somehow wasn't, we were all concerned again for our bassist.

"He's being an ass." Brian grumbled from beside me as he fiddled with a pencil he was using to do the crossword in a newspaper he found.

"Don't be like that Bri." I scolded. "You know you would be the same if it was me in there." I said seriously. "At least he's not crying anymore." I added quietly.

"We're all worried about John." The long haired man sighed too. "He's going to be okay though, right?" He asked, glancing over to me with a scared look in his eyes. I didn't have an answer to give him. I wish I did, I wish I knew that John would be fine and nothing bad was around the corner, but I didn't. I couldn't promise him anything.

"I hope so love, fuck I hope so." I whispered, my eyes widening a little when Bri slipped his hand into mine on top of the table. "What, what are you doing?" I quizzed, confused as to why he was suddenly being so open.

"Comforting you." He replied, a soft smile on his face as he squeezed my hand.

"But people are around." I mumbled. "They'll see."

"Fuck them." He shrugged, brushing my worries off like they were nothing. "Let them see Rog. I don't care anymore."

"You don't care?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

"This whole thing has taught me that anything can happen and take someone away forever." Brian said seriously. "And that, as cliche as it sounds, life is too short, and I'm not going to be that sod who loses who he loves later because he's too afraid to show how much he loves them now. So, here I am, Brian Harold May, holding your hand, because I love you." He finished, looking at me with nothing but adoration in his eyes.

"F-Fuck. Bri." I sighed shakily, tears brimming my eyes as I looked into his. "Y-You don't have to do this just for me."

"It's for us." He smiled, reaching out to wipe away a stray tear that fell onto my cheek. "I'm not hiding anymore Roger. I'm so proud to be with you, I don't want to feel like it's something I shouldn't be proud of anymore. I want to hold your hand, and stroke your cheek, and kiss your beautiful lips whenever I can. I don't want to have to wait until we're hidden." He sighed, cupping my cheek sweetly. "You don't deserve that. And as much as I'd love to keep you all to myself, you're too beautiful to hide Rog."

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